British Museum is one of London.

1. British Museum

Great Russell St (btwn Montague & Bloomsbury St), Londra, Greater London
Tarih Müzesi · Bloomsbury · 1007 tavsiye ve inceleme
Churchill War Rooms (Churchill Museum & Cabinet War Rooms) is one of London.

2. Churchill War Rooms (Churchill Museum & Cabinet War Rooms)

King Charles St, Londra, Greater London
Tarihi ve Koruma Altındaki Alan · Westminster · 83 tavsiye ve inceleme
Thames Nehri is one of London.

3. Thames Nehri

(River Thames)
Westminster/London Eye, Londra, Greater London
Nehir · Waterloo · 47 tavsiye ve inceleme
Londra Kalesi is one of London.

4. Londra Kalesi

(Tower of London)
5 Great Tower St, Londra, Greater London
Kale · 581 tavsiye ve inceleme
Borough Market is one of London.

5. Borough Market

Borough High St (Bedale St), Londra, Greater London
Semt Pazarı · South Bank · 1073 tavsiye ve inceleme
Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) is one of London.

6. Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben)

Parliament Sq (Bridge St), Londra, Greater London
Anıt · Westminster · 663 tavsiye ve inceleme
Hyde Park is one of London.

7. Hyde Park

Serpentine Rd, Londra, Greater London
Park · Knightsbridge and Belgravia · 1137 tavsiye ve inceleme
Londra Köprüsü is one of London.

8. Londra Köprüsü

(London Bridge)
A3 London Bridge (btwn City of London & Southwark), Londra, Greater London
Köprü · City of London · 139 tavsiye ve inceleme
Buckingham Sarayı is one of London.

9. Buckingham Sarayı

(Buckingham Palace)
Buckingham Palace Rd, Londra, Greater London
Saray · Green Park · 609 tavsiye ve inceleme
Trafalgar Meydanı is one of London.

10. Trafalgar Meydanı

(Trafalgar Square)
Trafalgar Sq, Londra, Greater London
Meydan · Piccadilly · 551 tavsiye ve inceleme
St Paul Katedrali is one of London.

11. St Paul Katedrali

(St Paul's Cathedral)
St Paul's Church Yard, Londra, Greater London
Kilise · City of London · 282 tavsiye ve inceleme
Windsor Castle is one of London.

12. Windsor Castle

Castle Hill, Windsor, Berkshire
Kale · 161 tavsiye ve inceleme
Stonehenge is one of London.

13. Stonehenge

Off A344 Rd, Amesbury, Wiltshire
Tarihi ve Koruma Altındaki Alan · 255 tavsiye ve inceleme
Houses of Parliament is one of London.

14. Houses of Parliament

Parliament Sq, Londra, Greater London
Hükümet Binası · Westminster · 106 tavsiye ve inceleme
Westminster Abbey is one of London.

15. Westminster Abbey

20 Dean's Yard, Londra, Greater London
Kilise · Westminster · 226 tavsiye ve inceleme
10 Downing Street is one of London.

16. 10 Downing Street

10 Downing St, Londra, Greater London
Devlet Binası · Westminster · 67 tavsiye ve inceleme
National Portrait Gallery is one of London.

17. National Portrait Gallery

St. Martin's Pl, Londra, Greater London
Sanat Galerisi · Piccadilly · 192 tavsiye ve inceleme
National Gallery is one of London.

18. National Gallery

Trafalgar Sq, Londra, Greater London
Sanat Müzesi · Piccadilly · 508 tavsiye ve inceleme
Tate Modern is one of London.

19. Tate Modern

53 Bankside, Londra, Greater London
Sanat Müzesi · 816 tavsiye ve inceleme
The London Eye is one of London.

20. The London Eye

The Queen's Walk (Belvedere Rd), Londra, Greater London
Eğlence Yeri · Waterloo · 969 tavsiye ve inceleme
Portobello Road Market is one of London.

21. Portobello Road Market

Portobello Rd, Londra, Greater London
Pazar · Kensington and Chelsea · 348 tavsiye ve inceleme
The Roman Baths is one of London.

22. The Roman Baths

Stall St, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset
Tarihi ve Koruma Altındaki Alan · 168 tavsiye ve inceleme
Cambridge Üniversitesi is one of London.

23. Cambridge Üniversitesi

(University of Cambridge)
Trumpington St (Trinity St), Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Üniversite · 7 tavsiye ve inceleme
Oxford Üniversitesi is one of London.

24. Oxford Üniversitesi

(University of Oxford)
University Offices, Wellington Sq, Oxford, Oxfordshire
Üniversite · 23 tavsiye ve inceleme
Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) is one of London.

25. Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A)

Cromwell Rd, Londra, Greater London
Sanat Müzesi · Kensington and Chelsea · 649 tavsiye ve inceleme
Piccadilly Circus is one of London.

26. Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly (Regent St), Londra, Greater London
Meydan · Piccadilly · 608 tavsiye ve inceleme
Westminster Sarayı is one of London.

27. Westminster Sarayı

(Palace of Westminster)
St. Margaret St, Londra, Greater London
Saray · Westminster · 30 tavsiye ve inceleme
Dennis Severs' House is one of London.

28. Dennis Severs' House

18 Folgate St, Londra, Greater London
Müze · Spitalfields and Banglatown · 17 tavsiye ve inceleme
Royal Botanic Gardens is one of London.

29. Royal Botanic Gardens

Kew Rd, Kew, Greater London
Botanik Bahçe · 188 tavsiye ve inceleme
British Library is one of London.

30. British Library

96 Euston Rd, Londra, Greater London
Kütüphane · 182 tavsiye ve inceleme
Jack The Ripper Tour is one of London.

31. Jack The Ripper Tour

Tower Hill Station, Londra, Greater London
Sanat ve Eğlence · Tower Hill · 13 tavsiye ve inceleme
Covent Garden Market is one of London.

32. Covent Garden Market

The Piazza, Londra, Greater London
Alışveriş Merkezi · City of Westminster · 374 tavsiye ve inceleme
Kensington Palace is one of London.

33. Kensington Palace

Palace Ave (Studio Walk), Londra, Greater London
Saray · Kensington and Chelsea · 103 tavsiye ve inceleme
St. James's Park is one of London.

34. St. James's Park

The Mall (Horse Guards Rd), Londra, Greater London
Park · City of Westminster · 331 tavsiye ve inceleme
Regent's Park is one of London.

35. Regent's Park

Chester Rd, Londra, Greater London
Park · 349 tavsiye ve inceleme
Marble Arch is one of London.

36. Marble Arch

Oxford St (at Park Ln), Londra, Greater London
Anıt · Knightsbridge and Belgravia · 100 tavsiye ve inceleme
Millennium Köprüsü is one of London.

37. Millennium Köprüsü

(Millennium Bridge)
Millennium Bridge (btwn St Paul's and Bankside), Londra, Greater London
Köprü · South Bank · 154 tavsiye ve inceleme
Tower Bridge is one of London.

38. Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge Rd, Londra, Greater London
Köprü · St. Katharine's and Wapping · 467 tavsiye ve inceleme
Westminster Köprüsü is one of London.

39. Westminster Köprüsü

(Westminster Bridge)
Westminster Bridge Rd. (Victoria Embankment), Londra, Greater London
Köprü · Waterloo · 115 tavsiye ve inceleme
Notting Hill is one of London.

40. Notting Hill

Londra, Greater London
Mahalle · 86 tavsiye ve inceleme
Doğal Tarih Müzesi is one of London.

41. Doğal Tarih Müzesi

(Natural History Museum)
Cromwell Rd (Queen's Gate), Londra, Greater London
Bilim Müzesi · Kensington and Chelsea · 621 tavsiye ve inceleme
Shakespeare's Birthplace is one of London.

42. Shakespeare's Birthplace

Henley St, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire
Tarih Müzesi · 37 tavsiye ve inceleme
Blenheim Palace is one of London.

43. Blenheim Palace

Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire
Saray · 44 tavsiye ve inceleme
Hampton Court Palace is one of London.

44. Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Rd, Hampton, Greater London
Saray · 108 tavsiye ve inceleme
Emirates Stadyumu is one of London.

45. Emirates Stadyumu

(Emirates Stadium)
75 Drayton Pk, Londra, Greater London
Futbol Stadyumu · 363 tavsiye ve inceleme
The Delaunay is one of London.

46. The Delaunay

55 Aldwych, Londra, Greater London
Çağdaş Avrupa Restoranı · City of Westminster · 237 tavsiye ve inceleme
Dean Street Townhouse is one of London.

47. Dean Street Townhouse

69-71 Dean St, Soho, Greater London
Otel · 149 tavsiye ve inceleme
The Wolseley is one of London.

48. The Wolseley

160 Piccadilly (Arlington St), Londra, Greater London
Çağdaş Avrupa Restoranı · Green Park · 551 tavsiye ve inceleme
Imperial College London is one of London.

49. Imperial College London

Exhibition Rd, Londra, Greater London
Üniversite · Knightsbridge and Belgravia · 22 tavsiye ve inceleme
Warwick Castle is one of London.

50. Warwick Castle

Castle Hill, Warwick, Warwickshire
Kale · 98 tavsiye ve inceleme
The All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club is one of London.

51. The All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club

Church Rd (at Somerset Rd), Wimbledon, Greater London
Tenis Kulübü · Wimbledon, · 65 tavsiye ve inceleme
The George Inn is one of London.

52. The George Inn

4 West St, Lacock, Wiltshire
Pub · 14 tavsiye ve inceleme
Baker Street is one of London.

53. Baker Street

Baker St, Londra, Greater London
Yol · 15 tavsiye ve inceleme
Lord's Cricket Ground (MCC) is one of London.

54. Lord's Cricket Ground (MCC)

St John's Wood Rd (Wellington Rd), Londra, Greater London
Kriket Alanı · St John's Wood · 58 tavsiye ve inceleme
Brick Lane is one of London.

55. Brick Lane

Brick Ln, Londra, Greater London
Yol · Spitalfields and Banglatown · 56 tavsiye ve inceleme
Rough Trade is one of London.

56. Rough Trade

91 Brick Ln, Londra, Greater London
Müzik Mağazası · Spitalfields and Banglatown · 126 tavsiye ve inceleme
Camden Lock Market is one of London.

57. Camden Lock Market

54-56 Camden Lock Pl, Londra, Greater London
Pazar · Primrose Hill · 451 tavsiye ve inceleme
The Sherlock Holmes Museum is one of London.

58. The Sherlock Holmes Museum

221B Baker St, Londra, Greater London
Tarih Müzesi · 134 tavsiye ve inceleme
Science Museum is one of London.

59. Science Museum

Exhibition Rd, Londra, Greater London
Bilim Müzesi · Kensington and Chelsea · 443 tavsiye ve inceleme