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Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Kilise ve Anıt
Westminster, Londra
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    • Time Out London
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  • evensong
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  • BURAK C.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    BURAK C.Nisan 29, 2015
    Gördüğüm en büyük kiliselerden biri. Parlemento meydanında ve özel günlerde enteresan olabiliyor.
  • Kamil S.
    Kamil SözenEkim 6, 2014
    Kiliseye para vererek girmem diye kastım yıllarca, ama buraya paşa paşa girdim. Artık bir anıt olmış Newton olmasa yine zordu ama... Ücretsiz verilen audio guidelar bir nebze 16 poundu unutturuyor.
  • Şakir Ç.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Şakir ÇakınNisan 8, 2018
    Paskalyadan dolayı içeriye giremedim. Ziyaret etmeden önce açık olup olmadığını kontrol edin.
  • Carl G.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Carl GriffinAralık 28, 2015
    Burial and coronation place of most English monarchs. Highlights are the coronation chair, poets corner and the lady chapel. A must visit to understands its importance in British history.
    5 gün önce önce olumlu oy verildi
  • Karenkullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    KarenMart 5, 2017
    Burada 5+ kez bulunmuş
    This Abbey is majestic. You can just feel the history as you stand and walk among the great Kings, Queens, artists, and writers that are resting here.
  • EArchitectkullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    EArchitectTemmuz 8, 2015
    Arrive by 4:30pm to attend the 5pm daily Evening Song mass. Absolutely superlative experience. The entrance into the abbey is on the west side. Photography is strictly prohibited inside.
    Dec 24, 2024 önce olumlu oy verildi
  • Ross L.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Ross LópezAralık 12, 2016
    Impresionante! En teoría NO está permitido tomar fotografías dentro del recinto. La mejor época para entrar rápido y apreciar con más tiempo es después de sept. Acceso y audioguias con tu London Card
  • PILAR P.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    PILAR PRENDESMayıs 28, 2017
    Impresionante! Eso si prepárate para mucha gente y muchos turistas de todos lados del mundo q no te dejan ver tranquilamente
  • José Eduardo T.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    José Eduardo TeixeiraAğustos 15, 2018
    Um dos principais pontos turísticos de Londres bem próximo ao Big Ben. Em razão de sua história e beleza sempre forma grandes filas. Vale a visita.
    MaryQueenofScots.netNisan 21, 2014
    The magnificent marble tomb of Mary Queen of Scots, erected by her son James I, is located in the south aisle of the Lady Chapel. It features a fine white marble effigy under an elaborate canopy.
  • Pedro G.
    Pedro GuerreiroNisan 13, 2015
    Arquitectura exterior muito bonita. No meu caso fui na Pascoa e aproveitei para entrar durante o service (missa de cerca de meia hora). Dá para entrar sem pagar e ver o interior da abadia.
  • Robert A.
    Robert AccetturaOcak 2, 2015
    It's expensive and the line is long. But it's a must see. It's all of British history in one beautiful historic building. Take an audio tour and walk around. It's pretty amazing.
  • Los Viajes d.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Los Viajes de PituNisan 12, 2016
    El templo más famoso y antiguo de Londres donde se hacen las coronaciones reales. 👍
  • Shamsa A.
    Shamsa AbdulrahmanŞubat 20, 2015
    A beautiful attraction with a very nice cafe at the back. Walk around the church & the backyard to truly enjoy this experience! A must visit ❤️
  • Mariana P.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Mariana PiresŞubat 13, 2013
    Vá com tempo, porque as obras a serem observadas são muuuiiitasss! Prefira ir às 3as, 4as ou 5as, quando se pode visitar os claustros e o jardim da abadia. Lindo demais!
  • Enzo M.
    Enzo MartinelliMart 11, 2019
    Burada 5+ kez bulunmuş
    The hidden gem of the abbey are the cloisters and the gardens accessible from the side entrance of the complex
  • Nicole M.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Nicole MillsHaziran 26, 2024
    A must visit, especially for history lovers! Be sure to book your tickets ahead of time in peak season, it gets busy!
  • J L.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    J LEylül 29, 2014
    Lovely abbey of historic proportions. See tombs of kings and queens of the UK and learn a bit of history. The self guided tour is terrific. Not photos in the Abbey however.
  • Julia K.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Julia KateMayıs 8, 2016
    Attend a service here whether your religious or is hands down indescribable how beautiful the cathedral is. If you are Aussie or kiwi make sure you go to the Anzac service, it's incredible!
  • Guido A.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Guido AppicciutoliMayıs 22, 2017
    Incredibile,stupefacente,meraviglioso,senza parole da visitare assolutamente
    MaryQueenofScots.netNisan 21, 2014
    Mary Queen of Scots tomb was sculpted by William and Cornelius Cure. She wears a close-fitting coif, a laced ruff, and a long mantle fastened by a brooch. At her feet is the Scottish lion crowned.
  • Erica P.
    Erica P.Aralık 26, 2012
    One of the most glorious examples of medieval architecture. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 5pm and 3pm on Saturdays and Sundays, go to see Evensong, the choir of the church.
  • Yuliia R.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Yuliia RastvorovaMayıs 3, 2019
    После закрытия аббатства, в 17-00 начинается служба с выступлением хора. На западном входе внутрь пускают всех желающих бесплатно, приходите немного раньше.
  • Michael N.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Michael NataleAğustos 9, 2016
    Definitely worth the price of admission if you are interested in listening to the entire tour. Great historic site.
  • Ellen DeGeneres
    Ellen DeGeneresNisan 29, 2011
    This is where my cousin Kate became a Princess! Westminster Abbey is absolutely beautiful. The vaulted ceilings, the stained glass, the painting of Stedman. I might be thinking of Oprah's house.
  • Yu T.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Yu TamuraAğustos 7, 2019
    I recommend buying tickets online before your visit. You can save your time. You have to wait so long for buying tickets on site.
  • DoubleTree by Hilton
    DoubleTree by HiltonTemmuz 2, 2013
    Check out Temple Church, just 2 stops by Tube from Westminister. It is one of the holiest and best hidden of Britain’s medieval treasures made popular by “The Da Vinci Code,” Temple EC4Y 7HL.
  • Olga .kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Olga 🌟🌞Mayıs 29, 2022
    Готическая церковь в Вестминстере. Строилась с перерывами с 1245 по 1745 годы. Традиционное место коронации и захоронения монархов Великобритании. В 1987 году было причислено ко Всемирному наследию.
  • Lisa N.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Lisa NEylül 22, 2017
    Have visited many times and always enjoy it. Entry fee is steep but worth it. Make sure you use the Audio Guide.
    Otel.comEkim 11, 2011
    This ornate Gothic church is where the coronation of British monarchs happen. Aside from guided tours, audio guides are available in 8 languages. Opens at 9:30am. No tourist visits on Sundays.
  • Oliviakullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    OliviaMart 15, 2015
    Worth the entry fee. Audio guide and map are provided. Lots of statues and tombstones. A must for people interested in churches.
  • New York Habitat
    New York HabitatEkim 11, 2011
    A medieval masterpiece, Westminster Abbey is filled with history and burials of many famous figures. Don’t forget to walk around the Cloisters and the Chapter House with the old wall paintings.
  • Daniil A.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Daniil AndrianovMayıs 31, 2013
    The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, popularly known as Westminster Abbey, is a large, mainly Gothic church, in the City of Westminster, London.
  • B L.
    B LMart 28, 2015
    Deep history, audio guides provided. Audio guides also available as a mobile app. No photos inside.
  • Martin T.
    Martin TiedemannHaziran 30, 2012
    24 December: The Christmas Eve service is enough to make even the most hardened cynic feel seasonal joy. It has attracted people from all walks of life to see in Christmas Day for nearly 1000 years.
  • Will B.
    Will BelfordEylül 18, 2013
    Magnificent. So big, you couldn't get enough of it, in 1 hour. It really was a great experience. This is where Diana's funeral was held and where William and Kate got married.
  • Cenker K.
    Cenker KöseNisan 5, 2016
    You can visit the church free of charge; just check the daily worship hours written in front of the main door... And must see!
    MaryQueenofScots.netNisan 21, 2014
    Next to the tomb of Mary Queen of Scots is the tomb of Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox on which is a kneeling figure of her son Lord Darnley. Daha fazlasını oku
  • Dale E.
    Dale EatonNisan 25, 2011
    The ANZAC Day service is held here annually on the 25th of April. There is agreement that this will always be so - even when, as will happen next year, it falls on Easter Sunday!
  • Miguel S.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Miguel SerranoOcak 6, 2017
    Get free access attending to the daily services. If you come early to the evensong, you might get perfect sits next to the choir.
  • Joy
    JoyTemmuz 17, 2010
    Go at around 3pm and linger until 4pm when the Abbey Choir practices. You can listen to them in the Nave. Self guided audio tour is free and an excellent way to explore the Abbey and learn the history
  • Louis Vuitton
    Louis VuittonNisan 4, 2012
    In the South Transept of Westminster Abbey sits Poets' Corner, where England's most illustrious men of the pen Geoffrey Chaucer and Charles Dickens are buried. Kristin Knox, The Clothes Whisperer
  • Morgans Hotel Group M.
    Not only did Wills wed here, but so did Grandma, Great Aunt Margaret & Aunt Anne. A majestic Gothic cathedral dating to 1245, it's the monarchy's ceremonial site, hosting all 38 British coronations. Daha fazlasını oku
  • Sarah .kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Sarah 🍪 FinautTemmuz 13, 2016
    Pricey butternut worth a visit. Audioguide for free. When visiting on Tuesday or Wednesday you can also visit the college gardens.
  • Enzo M.
    Enzo MartinelliMart 21, 2018
    Burada 5+ kez bulunmuş
    Well worth exploring the cloisters and the gardens on the side of the abbey
  • Alesha D.
    Alesha DaileyAğustos 1, 2013
    Fun observation: if you pay attention to the stairs, you'll notice how worn down they are in the center, the result of almost a 1000 years worth of people walking where you are now.
  • Matteo P.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Matteo PenzoAğustos 24, 2023
    Book online in advance on for a discount. Account for at least two hours for a proper visit.
  • Zachary R.
    Zachary Reiss-DavisAğustos 15, 2014
    My favorite "tourist" thing to see in London. Pay to go inside. Free Audio tour is very good.
  • HeyTripster
    HeyTripsterAralık 9, 2021
    The coronation and marriage ceremony of many kings and queens, this magnificent structure was founded in 960 by 12 Benedictine monks. Daha fazlasını oku
  • Ariadne d.
    Ariadne de DeusEylül 14, 2011
    Vale a pena pagar a entrada para ver os detalhes internos da igreja (o teto é uma das 7 maravilhas) e as tumbas de todos os reis e rainhas que já existiram ne Inglaterra.
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