Eğer teknolojiye ve tarihe ilginiz varsa mutlaka görmeniz gereken bir müze..otomotiv, malzeme, havacılık, üretim, uzay, tıp,... vb. birçok konuda kilometre taşı olan örnekler burada yer almakta..
Gezeceğiniz yerleri haritadan bakarak daha iyi anlayabilirsiniz. İçeri giriş kuyruğu pazar günü çok oluyor. Giriş bedava ama bağış vermeniz bekleniyor.
One of the best museums of its kind in the world. Far too much to see in one visit, so if you can it is best to "dip in" on short visits. The kids will love the space galleries!
Always loved it here but it gets a little tedious for an adult. Nonetheless it's definitely worth a visit- the ground floor space room is really cool and their shop is nice.
The "Cosmonauts" exhibition was the main reason we visited the museum and it was remarkable. The permanent sections are joyful as well. Lots of planes to see. Especially kids would love this museum...
Si no vas en familia, recomiendo ir a los Science Museum Lates, sesiones solo para adultos que hacen una vez al mes gratis. Hay comida y bebida, musica y un montón de charlas y actividades organizadas
O museu é gigante e conta com diferentes exposições ao longo dos andares. Bem interativo, deixa as crianças meio loucas. A loja conta com muita opção de presente pros que gostam de ciências, em geral
Museu incrível, com muito material sobre tecnologia e ciência em geral. O cinema imax passafilmes muito bons sobre ciência e cosmos. A lojinha tem produtos que vc não encontra em outros lugares.
Good museum for little and older ones. I love going there every time, the permanent exhibitions and temporary ones are always good. The shop is probably the best part :)
Free tickets are available online, huge museum! you need long hours to see all areas. Nearby so many attractions, underground tunnels, tube & bus stations for easy access. Tickets Bar Codes required
The 'space tour' at 2pm (not sure if it's on every day is free and the volunteer tourguide (Joe) was very friendly & informative. He even extended the tour from 30mins to almost an hour. Nice man. :)
There are plenty of things to learn at Science museum; does not matter how old you are. Very comprehensive exhibitions. Free WiFi. I loved the communication part with first Cray super calculator.
Amazing place to go check out, possibly too big, but even so they give you plenty of seats to sit on! Would take best part of half a day or even an entire day to check out all the stuff they have here
The Cosmonauts exhibition (until 13 March 2016) has some amazing exhibits. Make sure to get the audio guide, voiced by Helen Sharman who was the first woman to visit the Mir space station.
this was my favorite museum as a child and still is. usually, there's some type of interactiveexhibit where you can play and build things. really good for children but still, suitable for all ages.
One of the best! Play, learn, and discover new things. love this museum. It needs a couple of hours or half a day if you're up to it. Totally worth it!
محبين العلوم بشكل عام هذا المتحف المناسب. فيه علم نفس،فضاء،وغيرها. مسلي وفيه فائدة للكبير والصغير. المتحف متواضع من ناحية الحجم وعيبه الدرج متعب استخدم المصعد احسن. يستاهل زيارة سريعة. الدخول ببلاش
Huge museum that is free to enter for anybody! Highly recommended that you visit it and think about a donation. Need reservation (free) for some exhibition (e.g. Cyber Security)
The exhibits are interesting, up to a point. If you need a break from the barrage of stimuli, head to the cafe. It offers a welcome respite for an overwhelmed brain and uniquely ambient tabletops.
Full of great expositions and activities, making for a very fun visit; Special praise to the Secret Life of the House exhibition, showing household appliances throughout the century - a personal fave!
3d Imax movies are worth seing, especially the mysteries of the unseen world. We spent a full sunday with a child and couldnt see all. Lots if fun activities for kids.
Really ccol museum with lots of interactive areas! I was there on 1.1 and while at the neighbour museum (natural history) there was >1h queue, we entered immediately in the science museum
Free admission to a big museum full of many exhibits & interactive elements. Go to the "Lates" evening that runs monthly on the last Wednesday for adults. Starts at 18:45
Amazed by science? Then visit the breath-taking Science Museum. Experience every corner of science in this wondrous place, complete with an IMAX cinema! Daha fazlasını oku
free. great fun for all ages, completely immerse yourself in all the fun that science has to offer. i love the space section, and they have great replica rockets!
Free night for adults on the last Wednesday of every month called Lates. Sounded super cool, but the nights should be called 'Climbing Stairs and Waiting in Lines'.
Interactivemuseum, even adults turn into kids again. Go to the top floor for Red Arrow flight simulator. Their "Lates" is very well run, fun, and full of free workshops!
Science Museum
Exhibition Rd Londra Greater London SW7 2DD İngiltere