"Beer. They speak English!"
Bira Fabrikası
· 深圳市, Çin
7.6"October 2015 location: 22.548971, 113.96399"
Bira Fabrikası
· 深圳市, Çin
7.6"Nothing for those interested in science. Great children's playground - which can be annoying if you have outgrown your childhood."
Bilim Müzesi
· 尖沙咀, Hong Kong
8.0"The large Buddha statue is interesting, though not earthshaking. The effect is ruined by too many noisy Chinese tour groups."
· Ngong Ping, Hong Kong
9.1"First answer: nothing. But then, coming from a completely different background than the Chinese one, everything is interesting. The large Buddha statue is impressive, even more if it is in clouds."
· Ngong Ping, Hong Kong