The waiter is the best. It really made our experience suberb. About the food, quite nice, if you like cheese, you should try the Romanian "Bulz" and for desertApple pie. :)
La orele prânzului timpul de așteptare al comenzii este de minim 30 minute. Pâinea cu cașcaval și semințe avea gust de rânced. Asta a fost experienta mea, poate e ok în rest. Încercaţi-vă norocul!
Servirea super inceata datorita lipsei de angajati, fripturi nefacute, multe lucruri uitate si aduse dupa 20 de min dupa ce ai terminat de mancat. Imi pare rau dar nu recomand acest restaurant.
Frozen meat. Medium rare steak was extremely dry. The food has no taste at all. They put the sauce on my son's trousers before putting on table. Not recommend.
The place is decorated in german style but the food is romanian :) Tried the cheesebaked bread which is big enough for 2-3 pers. The rest of the food is just ok. Small non-smoking place. Dog friendly