Went for a whisky tasting for a friends birthday. This is not to miss in Scotland! Worth every penny and I actually know a thing or two about whisky now. The guides are amazing.
As ever, you cannot fault the Whisky Rooms at the Societies Queen Street venue. New malts every time , together with a lovely set of rooms, and equally high quality food from the bar.
The best restaurant in town and relatively unknown. The public bar and member rooms are a great place to have a drink and the staff are very good and knowledgable.
I recommend getting there around mid afternoon for a bar meal as they can run out. Excellent choice that complements the main stars of the Society, their unique single malts & grain whiskers.
Capturing rarity and perfection in a glass, the Society's single malt whiskyattracts curious and discerning whisky lovers from all corners of the world.