I have to say I found it pretty boring. The best part in the concert hall, where you can enjoy listening to good performers playing Chopin's music (on video, of course).
If you don't want to explore the exhibit, just go downstairs to the listening room. Choose your favorite melody and relax. Sometimes you can see and hear stuff playing the piano there.
The Chopin Museum (chopin.museum/en) is a must-see for the music lover. Brilliantly interactive, it stretches over four floors encompassing the life of the composer.
Музей категорически не понравился (сравниваю с домом музыки и музеем Моцарта в Вене). Минимум музыки. Все озвучивается только на английском и польском языках.
It should have been very interesting esp. when it announced to be interactive. BUT most of interactive elements are out of order. So you should pay 22 zl for walking through dark rooms.
koncerty odbywaja sie o 18 w przepieknej sali koncertowej. wykonywane sa przez dziewietnastoletniego pianiste, wygladajacego dosc niepozornie; ale gdy juz zasiadzie do fortepianu - szczeka opada!
Not worth visiting. It's new, it looks nice, but I can learn all of that from wikipedia. Not an experience and also not interactive - Windows touch screens don't count!
Pałac Ostrogskich - pierwsza budowla o charakterze warownym została wzniesiona pod koniec XVI wieku. W XIX. W Zamku swoją siedzibę ma nowoczesne Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina.