Tuna kıyısında bir banka oturup sabahsa oteldentaşımaçay, aksamsa tekelden alinma yerel bira icin. Böyle sessizhuzurlu. Balikci tekneleri, kuğu, ordek filan.. Sinek böcek var gece vakti ısıriyorlar
Böyle huzur dolu bir yer olamaz. Aksam serinligi ya da sabah serinliginde gezin. Burtanin devami zaten zemunski park. Köprüden zemuna kadar yürüyüş yolu.bisiklet kiralanabilir. Bisiklet=bicikli :)
Peacful and beautiful place/park ideal for biking, rollerblading,taking a walk, fishing, enjoying the nature and sunsets by the Danube with lots of restaurants and bars to choose from 😊👌
This promenade on the banks of the Danuberiver is littered with floating restaurants and bars. Great for people watching and cycling on a warm summer day.
One of the most beautiful views in Belgrade can be found here when weather is nice. A truly picturesque place. Make a stroll along the river before going up to Gardoš tower, where other one awaits ☺️