Perfect! Huge amount of selling people, I bought new vintage shoes for 1€. It's not just a feira but cultural phenomenon for those, who like to look through the real life of people they visit.
On Tuesdays & Saturdays only!A street market where you can find everything!Not a touristattraction but you can get a taste of real everyday life in Lisbon if you choose to go!
Много разных лавок. от лавок с новыми побрякушками и сувенирами , до разложенные личных вещей простынке на асфальте. Ушла с двумя винтажными сумками каждая меньше 10 евро ...атмосферно и приятно
É um mercado de rua com um ambiente super divertido e simpático! Aqui podem encontrar-se autênticas relíquias!! Vale a pena acordar cedo num sábado lisboeta!! 😉😜
De quoi passer une heure dans un cadre top mais ça sent un peu le piège à touriste... Profitez surtout des petits ateliers de créateurs qui sont le long du marché couvert..!
Огромный развал, работающий по воскресениям и вторникам до 13:00 - в это время многие уже сворачиваются. Продают все: от плиток 18-19 века до новых гоупро...вероятно ворованных)
The flea market is open every Tuesday and Saturday and it’s a Lisbon must. You can find anything from second hand clothing, furniture, touristsouvenirs to old records and tiles.
Venha no Elétrico 28, Graça, ou contrate um Tuk Tuk na Praça do Comércio. Vale a pena! Depois é só contornar a descida, a pé, e almoçar na Pizzaria Casanova, no Armazém em frente à Sta. Apolónia.
A great street market like the ones my mum used to drag me to as a kid... jewelery, clothes, electronics, antiques and more! You can walk from the centre of Lisbon.
Got a nice vintage clutch for 6 euro!! Every Saturday morning, don't take the tram 28, it's better to take a walk, since tram is too touristic and you need to wait in a looong line
Dedica-se, sobretudo, ao comércio de velharias, de objetos de segunda-mão e artesanato. Ocorre semanalmente às terças e sábados, no período da manhã até à tarde. * Entrada Livre *
The steep street location is a bit of an odd choice, but there are certainly some good things to be found at this quite large flea market that seems to have everything thing you never knew you wanted
esto a procura de um artista que vende desenhos de F. Pessoa, a famosa pintura de fado, e várias vistasde alguém possa fornecer me o mail dele (chama se Joao ...."Hilbo" ???
Pickpocket-ing aside, you'll find tons of old stuff at this classic flea market. Good for a walk (and visit the Panteão while at it) even if you can't find something to buy.