Belçika ve çikolata sözkonusu olunca daha fazlasını beklerdik. Beklentimizin altında kaldı açıkcası, buraya girmek için verdigimiz parayla gidip waffle yeseymişiz keşke 😂
Small simple museum with brief story of Choco, where it comes from until its transported. But these info u can get from Wikipedia. The demonstration at the end is the interesting thing about the tour.
The demonstration was great- he was enthusiastic and his ability to explain the process in 3 languages was very impressive! Museum was ok but it's worth a visit!
Enjoyed the Tour, The ChocolateDemonstrator couldn't speak very good English but could speak enough to understand and also good value for price as you get really nice chocolate samples.
Le musée est petit mais très complet et très intéressant. Je recommande un tour avec guide. Notre guide, Florence, a su transmettre sa passion. Et le petit plus de ce musée, la dégustation ! 😊
It's a good place for a quick visit if you have the Brussels card and are nearby. I do not recommend the full price of the ticket tho. Very touristy, but have free samples on the tour.
On y découvre ainsi non seulement les secrets de fabrication du chocolat mais également les différentes fèves qui existent. Sans oublier la dégustation. Daha fazlasını oku
Demonstration was OK, but museum part could have been better. Chocolate (which the museum offer for free) should be kept cleaner for such a popular place.