The harem is less crowdy than the main palace building. It is a pleasure to visit. Some rooms are amazingly beautiful. The audio guide is very informative. Do not miss it when you are in Topkapi.
The Museum Pass is on sale at many Istanbul hotels. It allows you to save time & money by offering admission to 6 must-see museums, including free admission to the Harem, without having to queue up.
Гарем!!! Это действительно стоит Вашего времени! Не пожалейте 15 лир, чтобы увидеть и ощутить всю прелесть и сложность женских будней в те времена! И посмотрите Великолепный век перед посещением...
Harem offers magnificent examples of classical period Ottoman architecture and 16th century İznik tiles. Do not miss Murad the Third's main chamber built by Mimar Sinan.
The concept of the Harem has provoked much speculation. Curiosity about the unknown and inaccessible inspired highly imaginative literature among the people of the western world. Daha fazlasını oku
Don't get the audio guide! There is as much detail and information on the signs on the walls as in the audio guide. Kind of a waste of money and not cheap (25 TL)
Wasn't impressed. Looks good, but doesn't worth the price, IMHO. Also, forget about audio guide. Waste of money, since it doesn't give any interesting information.