Jesse Eldred

Jesse Eldred


  • 4 Tavsiye
  • 547 Takipçiler
  • 1.039 Takip Edilen
  • 2 Liste
Jesse'ın şu şehirdeki listeleri: Tüm Şehirler
  • Bridgeville
  • Pittsburgh
  • Tüm Şehirler
Jesse Kullanıcısının En Çok Beğendiği Şehirler
1 Tavsiye
3 Tavsiyeler
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Jesse Eldred
0 mekan güncellendi
0 mekan
Jesse Eldred
12 mekan güncellendi
12 mekan Anthrocon 2022, Sheetz, Sheetz, Five Guys dahil
    "Great place and yes the balls get greasy people eat here as well pro tip bring your own ball or bring a cloth other then that no problems quit complaining and bowl people!"
    Jesse EldredJesse Eldred · Ekim 20, 2013
    Bowling Salonu
    · Pittsburgh, ABD
    "The coolest place you'll never get into. :P"
    Jesse EldredJesse Eldred · Eylül 26, 2013
    Apartman veya Apartman Dairesi
    · Pittsburgh, ABD
    "Great place if your in the mood for general tso's chicken. Park at the Burger King across the street if you don't wanna meter pay. :)"
    Jesse EldredJesse Eldred · Ağustos 15, 2013
    · Pittsburgh, ABD
    "Slow service with errors on a slow day recommend come late at night or try a different Wendy's or an entirely different place Cashier was friendly and food was fresh could have been cleaner but decent"
    Jesse EldredJesse Eldred · Ağustos 13, 2013
    Fast Food
    · Bridgeville, ABD