"I usually order Kopyor (broken coconut), Nougat, or Durian. How about you?"
· Surabaya, Endonezya
7.5"Holy Waters/ Fa Sui. Can solve almost every problems in your life. Trust me. The location is on the altar."
· Surabaya, Endonezya
"After praying, don't forget to donate here. The location is on the left side from the altar, opposite the stairs. Xie Shen En."
· Surabaya, Endonezya
"Jangan sekali2 taruh mobil, sepeda motor di area rumahnya, kalau ketauan langsung marah2 orangnya. Kasian, kalo sering marah2."
Hayvanat Bahçesi
· Juaji, wong ga oleh parkir, Endonezya
"Calon pemimpin kita yang ramah, dicintai secara de facto maupun de yure."
· Mengenal semua masyarakat, Endonezya
"Try to hear they speak at each other, you'll feel you're in Seoul or Pyong Yang. Hehehe..."
· Surabayee, Endonezya