Elephant boy cafe
Elephant Boy Cafe is one of Elephant boy cafe.

1. Elephant Boy Cafe

329-331 Bong Bong St, Bowral, NSW
Kafe · 25 tavsiye ve inceleme
Ocean Grill on the Bay is one of Elephant boy cafe.

2. Ocean Grill on the Bay

17 Clyde St, Batemans Bay, NSW
Balık ve Patates Dükkanı · 3 tavsiye ve inceleme
Mittagong RSL Club is one of Elephant boy cafe.

3. Mittagong RSL Club

146 Old Hume Hwy, Mittagong, NSW
Sosyal Kulüp · 6 tavsiye ve inceleme

Julie S.Julie Simpson: Steer clear if you want good food. Last time it was ok, this time it's slop. Might be ok if you like hospital food.