Israel and Palestine
Zion Gate is one of Israel and Palestine.

1. Zion Gate

(שער ציון‎)
Anıt · 10 tavsiye ve inceleme
Via Dolorosa is one of Israel and Palestine.

2. Via Dolorosa

Via Dolorosa, Kudüs, ירושלים
Yol · 20 tavsiye ve inceleme
Last Supper Room is one of Israel and Palestine.

3. Last Supper Room

Mt. Zion, Kudüs, ירושלים
Tarihi ve Koruma Altındaki Alan · 7 tavsiye ve inceleme
Zeytin Dağı is one of Israel and Palestine.

4. Zeytin Dağı

(הר הזיתים)
Mount of Olives, Kudüs, ירושלים
Dağ · At-Tur · 28 tavsiye ve inceleme
The Western Wall (Kotel) is one of Israel and Palestine.

5. The Western Wall (Kotel)

(הכותל המערבי)
Western Wall Plaza, Kudüs, ירושלים
Tarihi ve Koruma Altındaki Alan · Jewish Quarter · 120 tavsiye ve inceleme
The Byzantine Cardo is one of Israel and Palestine.

6. The Byzantine Cardo

Kudüs, ירושלים
Tarihi ve Koruma Altındaki Alan · Jewish Quarter · 6 tavsiye ve inceleme
Hummus Lina is one of Israel and Palestine.

7. Hummus Lina

(חומוס לינא)
42 Ikbat El Hanake St (at Via Dolorosa), Kudüs, ירושלים
Akdeniz Restoranı · Christian Quarter, Jerusalem, Israel · 20 tavsiye ve inceleme
Kutsal Kabir Kilisesi is one of Israel and Palestine.

8. Kutsal Kabir Kilisesi

(כנסיית הקבר)
btwn Suq Khan e-Zeit & Christian Quarter Rd, Kudüs
Kilise · Christian Quarter · 97 tavsiye ve inceleme
King David's Tomb Cave is one of Israel and Palestine.

9. King David's Tomb Cave

Zion mnt. (הר ציון), Kudüs, ירושלים
Sinagog · 13 tavsiye ve inceleme
Church of the Nativity is one of Israel and Palestine.

10. Church of the Nativity

(كنيسة المهد)
Manger Sq., Betlehem, الضفة الغربية
Kilise · 16 tavsiye ve inceleme