Emily A

Emily A


Grand Rapids, MI
  • 2 Tavsiye
  • 19 Takipçiler
  • 15 Takip Edilen
  • 2 Liste
Emily'ın şu şehirdeki listeleri: Tüm Şehirler
  • Kentwood
  • Grand Rapids
  • Tüm Şehirler
Emily Kullanıcısının En Çok Beğendiği Şehirler
1 Tavsiye
Grand Rapids
1 Tavsiye
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Emily A
0 mekan güncellendi
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Emily A
9 mekan güncellendi
9 mekan Cheers Good Time Saloons, Festival of the Arts 2014, Cherry Hill Market, D&W Fresh Market dahil
    "They don't take mobile coupons, you have to actually print them out. A little behind the times ;)"
    Emily AEmily A · Kasım 12, 2013
    Kahve Dükkanı
    · Grand Rapids, ABD
    "Best brownies ever! I all-around love it here. Fresh, cheap produce, nice deli. Also try their homemade salsa - so good. If they sold toiletries here, I'd never go anywhere else :)"
    Emily AEmily A · Kasım 1, 2012
    · Kentwood, ABD