Fun furniture--expensive on some ends, cheap on others. I.e. a couch could put you in bankruptcy, but there's no better place for wine glasses or simple white dishes...great for unique wedding gifts
Wishing you could buy everything in the store? Join us at our #CB2Unlock Affordable Modern event for your chance to win up to $1000 worth of CB2 Gift Cards! Sat Dec 10-Sun11 and Sat Dec 17-Sun 18
Celebrate and Donate: June 25 & 26. This weekend, CB2 will donate 5% of all sales in stores nationwide, online and through catalog to benefit The Trevor Project. Daha fazlasını oku
CB2 is a 19+ chain of retail stores in the US and Canada, based in Chicago, Illinois, offering modern home furnishings in contemporary styles, plus accessories, decor, storage & wallpapers
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