WhatToDo'nun Beğendiği Mekanlar
Glasnevin Cemetery is one of WhatToDo'nun Beğendiği Mekanlar.

1. Glasnevin Cemetery

Finglas Rd, Dublin, Dublin City
Mezarlık · Glasnevin · 19 tavsiye ve inceleme

WhatToDo D.WhatToDo Dublin: Absolutely love this place. The tour around the graveyard is great. http://whattododublin.org/2013/11/10/glasnevin-cemetery/

Kilmainham Gaol is one of WhatToDo'nun Beğendiği Mekanlar.

2. Kilmainham Gaol

2 Inchicore Rd, Kilmainham, Dublin, Dublin City
Tarihi ve Koruma Altındaki Alan · Kilmainham · 112 tavsiye ve inceleme

WhatToDo D.WhatToDo Dublin: Highly Recommend this tour. Watch out for large queues though, especially weekends. Nice cafe across the road (Lime Tree). http://whattododublin.org/2013/11/10/kilmainham-gaol/

Guinness Storehouse is one of WhatToDo'nun Beğendiği Mekanlar.

3. Guinness Storehouse

St James's Gate, Dublin, Dublin City
Bira Fabrikası · South-West Inner City · 566 tavsiye ve inceleme

WhatToDo D.WhatToDo Dublin: Home of “the black stuff”, this tour takes you through the history of the brewery and how Guinness is made. Includes a free pint in the Gravity bar which gives an impressive 360 view of Dublin City.

Damascus Gate is one of WhatToDo'nun Beğendiği Mekanlar.

4. Damascus Gate

Camden St Uppr, Dublin, Dublin City
Orta Doğu Restoranı · South-East Inner City · 18 tavsiye ve inceleme

WhatToDo D.WhatToDo Dublin: Love this place. It's BYOB too which is great.

Johnnie Fox's is one of WhatToDo'nun Beğendiği Mekanlar.

5. Johnnie Fox's

Ballybetagh Rd, Glencullen, Dublin, Dublin City
Pub · 87 tavsiye ve inceleme

WhatToDo D.WhatToDo Dublin: Nice view, nice Guinness!

Howth Summit is one of WhatToDo'nun Beğendiği Mekanlar.

6. Howth Summit

Bailey Green Rd, Dublin, Dublin City
Tepe · Howth · 16 tavsiye ve inceleme

WhatToDo D.WhatToDo Dublin: Howth has some great walks with signposted paths. Four main ones are: Howth Lower Cliff, Howth Tramline, Howth Black Linn, Howth Bog of Frogs. Info here: http:\http://whattododublin.org/walks-hikes/