One of the best place to taste authentic Vietnamese food. Very rich menu. A place where you can try different tastes of Vietnamese food - the taste of North, Central and South Vietnam. *****
This place definitely belongs to my top 3 Vietnamese restaurants. Spicy soup with shrimps, summer role and grilled duck. My girlfriend tried frog meat, delicious! We will be back, that's for sure.🔝👍
Two days in row eating in the same restaurant. Try to guess why ... Great rolls, pho was excellent and heat me up in the cold summer day. Recommended for vietnamese food lovers!
Cheap and tasty. Vegetarian friendly ❤️ sooooo good pho 🍲 and spring rolls. Design is typical for Vietnamese restaurant 😅but still it's nice and friendly 👏🏼I do recommend this place.
While the interior is typical for Vietnamese restaurant, the menu has much more to offer than usual. Recommended: pho. And they have seafood(haven't tried it though)
Real tasty food at a great price. Beers, summer rolls and two meals for under 400kc. Liked the chilled atmosphere we had on a weekday afternoon. Nice service too. 🍜
One of the rare places that offer authentic Vietnamese specialities in town. Very clean, friendlyfamily runrestaurant. Bun bo hue is my ultimate favourite!
We were here a year ago it was good food. As of now-salty salty, over fried, looks like majority pre-prepared. I'm referring only to the sea food items and vegetarian rolls.
Kvalita jedla sa za posledne roky vyrazne zhorsila. Chut bezvyrazna, v rolkach same chrupavky, podivny neporiadok pod schodami kt. sa da zhliadnut zvonka, a pod. Kedysi sme to tu mali velmi radi.
Pho Bo вкусный, но говядины показалось маловато; хороший выбор, в целом, недорого. Интерьер, конечно, не самый уютный, больше напоминает забегаловку, но еда вкусная!
Bohuzel se desne zhorsili. Dnes jsem si dala opravdu hnusne jidlo, ktere jsem si tam davala nekolikrat a vzdy bylo OK. Uz nemam chut si tam nikdy nic dat, ackoliv jsem tam driv chodila casto.
Výborná restaurace, která velmi překvapila. Krásné a příjemné prostředí, s milou obsluhou a jídlo velmi chutnalo. Doporučuji všem co chtějí poznat pravou vietnamskou kuchyni! PS:Velikánské porce(uf!:)
Bun bo nam bo was not good,did not look fresh at all. The taste was also somehow odd. Older pictures here show better looking food. May be the food got worse during the years.I am afraid to try again
Sem ano! Famozna pho, sice drobnejsie, ale chutovo exkluzivne zavitky s tou najlepsou "omackou". Super obsluha, pekne prostredie, jedna z najlepsich, ak nie uplne najlepsia viet food restika v Prahe.
Na Vinohradech nejlepší volba. Mají nové menu a výběr je luxusní! Nabízejí speciality co jinde nemají (mì vằn thắn thumbs up!), můžete si dát třeba i žábu. A navíc super interiér.
No asi tak. Lidi je pravda, ze maji hodne, ale jeste se mi ani u nas ani ve svete nestalo cekat pres 30minut na Pho. A vývar jako voda. Zklamalo me to. Uz bych sem nesla no. Dnes je na vyber z lepších
Dustojny prirustek do rodiny prazskych viet-, narozdil od Jiraku muzete i pohodlne posedet jen tak na kafi. Pho je vskutku obri, zavitky slusne. Palec nahoru. Wifi: ilovepho