Tarihi ve Koruma Altındaki Alan · 241 tavsiye ve inceleme
4SQ Egypt: On the Giza Plateau, Khufu's builders oriented the largest pyramid ever built, it incorporates about 2.3 million stone blocks, weighing an average of 2.5 to 15 tons each.
Tarih Müzesi · وسط البلد · 181 tavsiye ve inceleme
Otel.com: Go here if you want to see treasures of Tutankhamun, remains of Ramses III, mummy of Queen Hatshepsut, many other mummified pharaohs, and an impressive collection of papyrus and coins.
197 26th of July St. (Sphinx Sq), الجيزة, محافظة الجيزة
Caz ve Blues Mekanı · Agouza · 37 tavsiye ve inceleme
G Mag: One of our favorite nightspots. Good music, no ridiculous minimum charge, no dressing like you're clubbing in Vegas. Great food as well if you go early enough before it gets crowded