Sarah D.

Sarah D.

  • 27 Tavsiye
  • 14 Takipçiler
  • 21 Takip Edilen
  • 2 Liste
Sarah'ın şu şehirdeki listeleri: Tüm Şehirler
  • University Park
  • State College
  • Tüm Şehirler
Sarah Kullanıcısının En Çok Beğendiği Şehirler
University Park
15 Tavsiyeler
State College
11 Tavsiyeler
Daha Fazlasını Yükle
Daha Fazlasını Yükle
Sarah D.
0 mekan güncellendi
0 mekan
Sarah D.
6 mekan güncellendi
6 mekan Abba Java, MacKinnon's Café, Irving's, Target dahil
    Sarah'nin Son Tavsiyeleri
    "Most of everything you'll find here is way cheaper on eBay, Poshmark, Vinted, and Tradesy."
    Sarah D.Sarah D. · Nisan 23, 2014
    Kadın Giyim Mağazası
    · State College, ABD
    "Ask for a $1 reusable cup and bring it with you every time you purchase coffee. You get a discount! :-)"
    Sarah D.Sarah D. · Ekim 9, 2013
    Kahve Dükkanı
    · State College, ABD
    "Get your caffeine fix here. There's a nice variety of coffees and cappuccinos for a lot less than Starbucks. The English Toffee Cappuccino is especially delicious!"
    Sarah D.Sarah D. · Eylül 10, 2013
    Yakıt İstasyonu
    · State College, ABD
    "If you have an iPad, get the DocAS app to import power points for note-taking. It will save you a lot of $ on printing costs."
    Sarah D.Sarah D. · Mart 11, 2013
    Akademi Binası
    · University Park, ABD
    "A great place to get some inexpensive leisure reads. Many of the books are only a few dollars."
    Sarah D.Sarah D. · Ocak 4, 2013
    · State College, ABD
    "The air exchange system is soooo loud and makes the room cold. Bring earbuds and a jacket."
    Sarah D.Sarah D. · Aralık 4, 2012
    · University Park, ABD