Outdoor should be for everyone and the male section is totally not worth it I would rather take my order and leave than sitting in that's boring section 💔
زيارته بعد كم شهر أفضل،انتظار٤٠د برغم انه العصر! بعد المغرب منظر الانتظار محزن🙈بعدهاانتظار اخذ الطلب اكثر من نص ساعه مع رفع الايادي للفت الانتباه😅(الخدمه سيئه)القهوه والبيتزا والحلويات👍🏼👌🏼
Good cakes. Didn’t really like the matcha latte with boba. Interior is pretty. But place is overpriced for food that is average. You are mainly paying for the ambience.