The moment you cross the threshold you enter a waking dream. But who's? It's been months since I first experienced sleep no more and I'm still not entirely convinced I ever left.
A lot of people say wearing glasses is a problem, but if like me you can't wear contacts don't worry. You'll be fine don't miss out. And remember to not hold hands - split up and go your own route.
Follow MacBeth (black actor) around the end there is a crazy scene with witches and strobe lighting, blood ritual, nudity and techno music. Jaw-dropping scene.
worth the money. wear comfortable shoes&clothes. wear contact lenses instead of glasses. bring no bags to save check in queue. about the show: the less know the better. run forest run goddamit !
Wear comfortableshoes or take the heels off as you run. Make eye contact with the actors and you might get brought to some v secret experiences. Mind. F*cked.
My favorite NYC quirky experience, amazing interactive show, great fun to explore, participate and wonder. Excellent 3rd or 4th date place if your girl has not been :)
Лучшее, что я видела в областиискусства! Каждый должен хотя бы раз там побывать! Это гениально! Невероятно сексуальные актеры, костюмы, декорации, идея, воплощение, музыка, сам отель! Браво!!!
Friday nights feature a burlesque show hosted by Queen of Nightlife ⭐️Suzanne Bartsch⭐️. Expect nudity, dirty jokes, jugglers, drag-queens,circusartists and other degenerates 👏🏻
Went here to see Sleep No More. I am not gonna tell you more otherwise I'll spoil it for you. Just go! Do it! Buy the earliest ticket available and go in alone. It's frightening but worth it.
лучшее шоу. приключение, погружающее в глубины подсознания, после которого не хочется спать. Sleep No More — это жгучая смесь "Eyes Wide Shut" Кубрика и Шекспировского "Макбета". must see in NYC!
Imperdible si estás de visita en Nueva York y querés ver teatro, pero no el típico musical. Experiencia única e inmersiva, no apta para impresionables (violencia, sexo y ambientación tétrica). Lo amé.
Definitely an experience! Get lost in 5 stories full of different environments. Even a ballroom! Stick with a character or you'll be lost. Little dialogues would had been nice.
Love this show and the venue is amazing. Make time for drinks at Manderlay bar. If you love film noir, old crime novels, and period productions.. Come here and be part of the show.
Macbeth meets Tower of Terror with live actors, and you walk around for as long as you can stand. Don't read any other comments/spoilers- prepare to check your bags- and explore solo for special...
This act was really interesting, however when you continue following the actors around wearing the mask you might feel a little weird, until you experience a disturbing illuminati ritual.
...Visceral y hermosa entre 5 pisos de instalaciones (mucho mas que solo escenografías) anacrónicamente bella. Lo mejor de la escena neoyorquina. Imperdible.
Outstanding interactive theatrical experience. Just do it. Try not to bring anything but ID and credit card; you will need your maneuverability. Don't be afraid to be overdressed, but dresscomfy.
Incredible experience! I was stumbling around at first, but then saw the actors, and everything changed. It reminded me of a scavenger hunt for new clues and for actors. Amazing place and play!
Sleep No More is an unforgettable experience that's well worth the money. Be prepared to be split off from the group that you come with - the best way to experience it is alone.
What an experience! You won't be able to explore everything and follow every actor during the three hour time slot, but be open to forging your own ghost-like path throughout the McKittrick.
One of the most exhilarating experiences I've ever encountered. Absolutely loved Sleep No More. Don't hesitate to open drawers, steal candy, and leave your group/partner to explore the place alone.
Sleep No More a surreal interactive experience. They try to make it intimidating but it's not scary, just eerie. Tip is to follow some of the actors but good luck understanding the silent narrative.
Mind-blowingly awesome. Can't wait to go again! A MUST-see. Incredibly exhilarating. If you go w a group split up in pairs or explore alone. Be bold. And move quickly.
Mega recomendo, mas pra quem tiver no pique de subir e descer escadas, correr atrás dos personagens e se perder por salas misteriosas. É melhor se vc já conhecer a história de MacBeth!! Eu adorei!
Wander off on your the actors, hope they pull you into a scene! Eat the candy in the candy shop:D. Go into the enchanted forest and catch the dance's magical and surreal!
If you're going for the 1st time, don't do any research. Go in with as little knowledge as possible and just enjoy the experience. Then plan your next visit, because you'll have to do it again.
Hands down, one of the coolest experiences I've had in New York. Shakespeare meets "Eyes Wide Shut" meets a 1920s speakeasy. Don't let the actors talk you into absinthe shots, whatever you do.
Ladies, do not wear high heels. You will be climbing and sometimes running up and down stairs. I went with a friend and we got separated early on. This is a GOOD thing! Don't be afraid to go it alone.
Totally amazing experience. I highly recommend following the actors (if you can keep up) and let yourself go. Definitely don't be afraid to interact and be apart of the show, you won't regret it.
Sleep No More is an awesome experience. Make sure you separate from your group. It's a lot more fun exploring on your own and being able to follow the scenes you want.
This is the home of Sleep No More...but there are other shows and venues inside and on the rooftop so be sure to check throughout the year for what is available.
The set is flat out incredible. Don't be afraid to touch props, open doors. It's all there to explore and they haven't overlooked a single detail. The performance is less acting & more dance/movement.
Assista a peça, vá sozinho e divirta-se! Uma experiência muito interessante e diferente. Leia um resumo do livro para se situar melhor nas passagens da peça que conseguir ver.
Check out all doors & closets (you might just find a macabre Narnia) & eat some candy in the shop. Try to spend time alone with anyone unmasked. Decompress momentarily & find bathrooms in bar area.
To get pulled into one-on-one scenes, stay as close to the actors as possible and keep your own body language open (no crossed arms, for ex). So worthwhile!
Si quieres vivir una experiencia teatral única ajena a los musicales este es tu sitio. El secretísimo sobre el espectáculo es casi absoluto. Aquí no hay butacas, los espectadores deambulan libremente.
Endroit extraordinaire, beaucoup de salles sympa et bien décorées, une belle performance des acteurs mais quelle est l histoire? Point négatif, trop de monde, peu de visibilité ...