"Best food in Lalibella. Simple place with good food. We believed Lonely Planet and we did correct. Of course, as everywhere in Ethiopia they don't care about cleaning tables. Better than Ben Abeba"
"We had 3 nights at the city. Ones we had a dinner here. On taste it was ok. But in one hour me and my husband started to feel pain in our stomachs. At the end - diary."
"Best expert about Africa"
Seyahat Acentesi
· Sao Paulo, Brezilya
"Отвратительное обслуживание. Ждали заказ более часа!!! Ризотто сырое! Счет был на 600грн, мы даже не дали чаевые ни копейки, за такое обслуживание . Просто ужас"
· Çernivtsi, Ukrayna
5.5"Яблочный тотин нечто ))"
"Очень вкусные десерты - вареники с вишней и яблоки печеные!"
· Sofiyivska Borschagivka, Ukrayna