Steven Yan

Steven Yan

  • 16 Tavsiye
  • 122 Takipçiler
  • 377 Takip Edilen
  • 16 Liste

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Steven Kullanıcısının En Çok Beğendiği Şehirler
New York
6 Oluşturulan Listeler · 14 Tavsiyeler
San Francisco
1 Tavsiye
1 Tavsiye
Steven'in Son Listeleri
Steven Yan
7 mekan güncellendi Temmuz 1, 2013
7 mekan Nice Matin, Josie's West, Alice's Tea Cup, Fred's dahil
Steven Yan
4 mekan güncellendi Temmuz 1, 2013
4 mekan Westside Market, Fairway Cafe, Trader Joe's, Fairway Market dahil
Steven Yan
11 mekan güncellendi Haziran 23, 2013
11 mekan Starbucks, Trader Joe's, 18 West 76th St, Chase Bank dahil
Steven Yan
6 mekan güncellendi Ağustos 27, 2013
6 mekan The Meatball Shop, Isabella's, Pappardella, Salumeria Rosi dahil
Steven Yan
13 mekan güncellendi Ekim 23, 2012
13 mekan Sugar and Plumm, Jacques Torres Chocolate, Magnolia Bakery, Screme Gelato Bar dahil
Steven Yan
16 mekan güncellendi Temmuz 1, 2013
16 mekan Cafe Noi, Starbucks, The Sensuous Bean, Joe Coffee Company dahil
Steven’nın listeleriSteven'ın Oluşturduğu ListelerSteven Kullanıcısının Takip Ettiği Listeler
Steven'nin Son Tavsiyeleri
"Panda Colada was literally like a piña colada, very sweet. Big Unit was much more subdued for my tastes. If you're into playing shuffleboard, they have one of those. Don't think NYC bars have one."
Steven YanSteven Yan · Ağustos 14, 2014
Gay Bar
· San Francisco, ABD
"Don't ever take the AirTrain and public transportation late at night. Just cab it into the city if you can afford it. Save a lot of headache."
Steven YanSteven Yan · Ağustos 14, 2014
Uluslararası Havalimanı
· Queens, ABD
"Best prices for meat. Good for familiar national name brand products (aka not Trader Giotto or Joe-San). I don't go here for produce, not its forte."
Steven YanSteven Yan · Ocak 30, 2014
· New York, ABD
"I absolutely love their Prosciutto Pizza with some Sausage! So thin crusty and yummy! Tried some others in the menu, but still love the Prosciutto. Have to try their Gluten-free selections."
Steven YanSteven Yan · Temmuz 1, 2013
· New York, ABD
"Richard is the manager here, and he is on top of the customer service experience. He takes care of his employees and customers alike. Be sure to say hi. AND the new setup looks great!"
Steven YanSteven Yan · Haziran 21, 2013
Kahve Dükkanı
· New York, ABD
"Patricia Hatcher is THE best instructor ever! She rocks."
Steven YanSteven Yan · Aralık 29, 2012
Üniversite & Eğitim
· New York, ABD