1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03
Wasabi by Morimoto is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

1. Wasabi by Morimoto

1, Mansingh Road (The Taj Mahal Hotel), New Dehli, India
Japon Restoranı · N.D. Charge 5 · 23 tavsiye ve inceleme

Food NetworkFood Network: Masaharu Morimoto serves exciting and unique sushi and seafood dishes at Japanese Wasabi at Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai.

MoMA Design Store is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

2. MoMA Design Store

44 W 53rd St (btwn 6th & 5th Ave.), New York, NY
Hediyelik Eşya Mağazası · Midtown East · 69 tavsiye ve inceleme

MoMAMoMA: MoMA store is open later than the Museum, so you can shop after the galleries close.

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

3. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

11 W 53rd St (btwn 5th & 6th Ave), New York, NY
Sanat Müzesi · 1869 tavsiye ve inceleme

MoMAMoMA: Check out Print Studio, a FREE interactive space for exploring the print medium, each day from 12 to 4 p.m.! Come to the Cullman Education Building (walk past Cafe 2) for drop-in programs & workshops.

Hands is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

4. Hands

銀座2-2-14 (マロニエゲート銀座1 5F-9F), Tokyo, 東京都
Mobilya ve Ev Gereçleri Mağazası · 銀座 · 24 tavsiye ve inceleme

東急ハンズ東急ハンズ: 銀座にもハンズ、あるんですよ。有楽町駅から歩いてすぐ。

Tokyu Hands is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

5. Tokyu Hands

(東急ハンズ 札幌店)
中央区南1条西6-4-1, 札幌市, 北海道
Mobilya ve Ev Gereçleri Mağazası · 11 tavsiye ve inceleme

東急ハンズ東急ハンズ: 東急ハンズ札幌店の情報は、Twitter公式アカウント( @Hands_Sapporo )で、札幌店の「中の人」が発信なう。

Honolulu Museum of Art is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

6. Honolulu Museum of Art

900 S Beretania St (btwn Ward Ave & Victoria St), Honolulu, HI
Sanat Müzesi · Makiki - Lower Punchbowl - Tantalu · 38 tavsiye ve inceleme

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: This island institution holds one of the biggest collections of Asian art in the country. It's one of our 10 Great Places to See Art in Smaller Cities. Daha fazlasını oku.

Dahlia Bakery is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

7. Dahlia Bakery

2001 4th Ave (at Virginia St), Seattle, WA
Fırın · Belltown · 113 tavsiye ve inceleme

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: Tom Douglas is a local foodie legend who helped define Northwest cuisine, but pie fans care only about his bakery. Thousands of people swear by the triple coconut cream pie. Daha fazlasını oku.

King’s Cross Tren İstasyonu (KGX) is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

8. King’s Cross Tren İstasyonu (KGX)

(London King's Cross Railway Station)
Euston Rd (York Way), Londra, Greater London
Demiryolu İstasyonu · King's Cross · 307 tavsiye ve inceleme

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: Recognizable as the spot where Harry catches the train to Hogwarts. King's Cross also is known for having great shops and Europe's longest Champagne bar. Daha fazlasını oku.

British Museum is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

9. British Museum

Great Russell St (btwn Montague & Bloomsbury St), Londra, Greater London
Tarih Müzesi · Bloomsbury · 1007 tavsiye ve inceleme

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: The British Museum has more than 7 million objects from every continent, some of which have been controversial. Daha fazlasını oku.

Hilton is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

10. Hilton

1335 Avenue of the Americas (btwn W 53rd & W 54th St), New York, NY
Otel · Theater District · 261 tavsiye ve inceleme

Advertising WeekAdvertising Week: OMMA Awards 2010 taking place here -- celebrating the year's most innovative advertising creative.

The New York Times Building is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

11. The New York Times Building

620 8th Ave (at W 40th St), New York, NY
Yapı · Theater District · 51 tavsiye ve inceleme

Advertising WeekAdvertising Week: One of the homes of Advertising Week. Also, some pretty dashing retail and restaurants including Dean & Deluca and Schnipper's Quality Kitchen (where one can get a delightful Sloppy Joe).

USA Today is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

12. USA Today

535 Madison Ave (54th Street), New York, NY
Ofis · Midtown East · 4 tavsiye ve inceleme

Advertising WeekAdvertising Week: Home of the Innovators Forum and a discussion of the opportunities for professionals arts organizations.

Morimoto is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

13. Morimoto

88 10th Ave (btwn W 15th & W 16th St), New York, NY
Japon Restoranı · Chelsea · 344 tavsiye ve inceleme

Advertising WeekAdvertising Week: For a thoroughly unique Japanese experience (on an expense account), check this place out. If you like to be "wow-ed" by food, order the toro tartare - perfect appetizer for the art director in you.

広島つけ麺 一瑞 is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

14. 広島つけ麺 一瑞

Ramen Restoranı · 1 tavsiye
肉のますゐ is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

15. 肉のますゐ

中区八丁堀14-12, Hiroşima, 広島県
Yoshoku Restoranı · 10 tavsiye ve inceleme
かっぱ寿司 広島矢賀店 is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

16. かっぱ寿司 広島矢賀店

東区矢賀新町3-4-13, Hiroşima, 広島県
Suşi Restoranı · Tavsiye veya inceleme yok
Ça Marche is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

17. Ça Marche

中央区山本通3-1-3 (パールストリート), Kobe, 兵庫県
Fırın · 中央区 · 7 tavsiye ve inceleme
DONQ 三宮本店 is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

18. DONQ 三宮本店

中央区三宮町2-10-19 (三宮センター街), Kobe, 兵庫県
Fırın · 中央区 · 8 tavsiye ve inceleme
Starbucks is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

19. Starbucks

中央区三宮町3-7-6 (神戸元町ユニオン 1F), Kobe, 兵庫県
Kahve Dükkanı · 中央区 · 5 tavsiye ve inceleme
Starbucks is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

20. Starbucks

麻布十番1-11-14 (SBSビル 1F), Tokyo, 東京都
Kahve Dükkanı · 麻布 · 29 tavsiye ve inceleme
Seattle's Best Coffee 広島立町店 is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

21. Seattle's Best Coffee 広島立町店

中区立町2-4 (サンタックビル1F), Hiroşima, 広島県
Kahve Dükkanı · 5 tavsiye ve inceleme
St. Marc Café is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

22. St. Marc Café

(サンマルクカフェ 広島パルコ前店)
中区堀川町6-9, Hiroşima, 広島県
Kafe · 2 tavsiye ve inceleme

23. 西洋居酒屋REN

中区立町3-1 (優美堂ビル2F), Hiroşima, 広島県
Fransız Restoranı · Tavsiye veya inceleme yok
Komeda's Coffee is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

24. Komeda's Coffee

(コメダ珈琲店 広島大町店)
安佐南区大町西3-11-40, Hiroşima, 広島県
Kafe · 4 tavsiye ve inceleme
Gyoza Ohsho is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

25. Gyoza Ohsho

中区堀川町4-11 (広島アサヒビール館 1F), Hiroşima, 広島県
Çin Restoranı · 8 tavsiye ve inceleme
出雲そば いいづか is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

26. 出雲そば いいづか

西区天満町17-10, Hiroşima, 広島県
Soba Restoranı · 7 tavsiye ve inceleme
くら寿司 広島祇園店 is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

27. くら寿司 広島祇園店

安佐南区祇園3-3-20, Hiroşima, 広島県
Suşi Restoranı · 1 tavsiye
小麦屋 is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

28. 小麦屋

西区南観音3-1-25, Hiroşima, 広島県
Udon Restoranı · Tavsiye veya inceleme yok
らーめん工房りょう花 広島観音店 is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

29. らーめん工房りょう花 広島観音店

西区南観音3-1-25, Hiroşima, 広島県
Ramen Restoranı · 6 tavsiye ve inceleme
露菴 広島大手町店 / Roan is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

30. 露菴 広島大手町店 / Roan

中区大手町1丁目4-5 (アロハビル 2F), Hiroşima, 広島県
Japon Restoranı · Tavsiye veya inceleme yok
Mehl / メール is one of 1,000,000 Picnic&Pottering ♪ 03.

31. Mehl / メール

西区古江東町9-24, Hiroşima, 広島県
Fırın · 1 tavsiye