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SeaWorld Orlando

SeaWorld Orlando

Eğlence Parkı, Hayvanat Bahçesi ve Akvaryum
Sea World Theme Park, Orlando
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  • aile dostu
  • hayvanat bahçesi
  • manta
  • penguins
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  • Cankullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    CanEylül 23, 2015
    Tek kelime ile harika. Verilen her kurusa deger.
  • Serdar G.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Serdar GunverAralık 28, 2018
    Show’lar cok guzel,yuruyus cok zevkli,hediyelikler cok guzel.
  • Özlem K.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Özlem Kul ArmanTemmuz 14, 2018
    Zaten 1 gün ayırdığımız parkta aynı gün içinde 2 oyuncak da arıza verdi binemedik dolayısıyla bizde biraz olumsuz etki bıraktı bu durum. Ayrıca kesınlıkle temmuzda gelmeyin cok ama cok sıcak!
  • Brkgnykullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    BrkgnyOcak 8, 2015
    Güzel eğlence parkı yunus gösterisi kaliteli... Vatozları besleyebilirsiniz kesinlikle öneririm... Manta ve kraken trenleri güzel ayarında çok korkutucu değiller... Antarctica bölümünü önermem
  • Cansel T.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Cansel Turgut YaziciEylül 8, 2016
    Çok eğlenceli , hayvanlar ; muhteşem ride lar, enfes bir deneyim
  • Abdulrahman A.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    One of the best Theme Parks in USA! SeaWorld is very unique. Very recommended to visit. Attending the shows is nice. Plenty of restaurants, gift shops & bathrooms. Very clean. Book tickets online.
    2 hafta önce önce olumlu oy verildi
  • Blair Victoriakullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Blair VictoriaMart 27, 2017
    I LOVE SeaWorld. It is less than 10 minutes away from my home and I use to have a pass when I was younger. I got them again for 3 years to enjoy with my babies! We went every week! Love everything!
  • Michael G.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Michael GKasım 15, 2015
    Burada 50+ kez bulunmuş
    There's a new Annual Pass holders' lounge located right near Terrace BBQ at the south side of the park. While there you can charge your phone, use WiFi, eat, and most importantly, enjoy the A/C!
  • Giovanna R.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Giovanna RosienEkim 26, 2015
    Não deixe de ir no show da Shamu, que é o show mais tradicional do parque. Montanhas russas também são imperdíveis! Destaque para a "Manta", que simula o nado da Arraia.
  • Amanda C.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Amanda C.Ocak 15, 2016
    LOVE this place! Haven't been in years so it was really fun to see the improvements/changes. Make sure to see the aquariums as well as the big animals & shows! Lots of neat things, animals are amazing
  • José Eduardo T.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Ótimo parque com diversos shows/apresentações dos animais, montanha russa e um enorme aquário. Bom para crianças, famílias e adultos. Vale a visita.
  • Jonathan B.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Jonathan BishopMart 13, 2018
    It has it all: thrill rides, family rides, awesome shows, great events, quality food, etc. The $250 annual pass for here, Busch Gardens & choice of water park = best value in the theme park industry.
  • Letícia M.
    Letícia MachadoOcak 25, 2015
    Vá no tanque das arraias pra tocar nelas, assista o show dos golfinhos, e é claro, da Shamu! Não deixe de ir na Kraken e na Manta..são montanhas-russas incríveis!
  • Susanne U.
    Susanne UhligEkim 5, 2014
    Awesome theme park. Roller coasters are fun and they have lockers for bags. Try to catch feeding the dolphins and let mermaids get you pearls out of the sea. Fun for old and young. Plan at least 1 day
  • Sergio M.
    Sergio MontanerHaziran 17, 2013
    excelente parque para la familia, con show de delfines y orcas. Tiene montañas rusas entretenidas y no es tan grande como los de Disney. Hay que llegar temprano para no toparse con tanta gente
    14 saat önce önce olumlu oy verildi
  • Rita T.
    Rita TrezzaEkim 6, 2013
    Parco non enorme e proprio per questo si può tranquillamente vedere tutto. Attrazioni per grandi e piccini, da non perdere gli show e per gli amanti dei coasters... manta e il kraken..bellissimi!!!
  • Jeffery J.
    Jeffery JonesHaziran 4, 2016
    Took the family and had a great time. Make sure you check their website for ticket deals and parking. Be sure to get the all day meal bracelet to save money.
  • Mary V.
    Mary VegaAğustos 6, 2013
    Súper recomendable que compren el "Quick Queue Unlimited" aunque está algo caro, vale la pena saltarse 2 horas de fila y hacer solo 15 minutos a media hora :-D
  • Dawn D.
    Dawn DOcak 12, 2019
    Burada 25+ kez bulunmuş
    A great walk to walk around. So much to see and do. Staff is friendly and always willing to share information.
  • H. N.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    H. NetoAralık 23, 2017
    Mako, Manta, Kraken (I do not need the VR googles) and Journey to Atlantis make your money worth for sure. Don’t forget to see the penguins, don’t need to ride, just walk inside.
  • Kleber C.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Kleber CisneirosEylül 30, 2014
    Parque imperdível, principalmente com crianças menores, ponto alto o show das baleias Shamu e a montanha russa Manta. Tem um restaurante que vc come vendo os tubarões passando ao redor...
  • Kyra K.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Kyra KilianEkim 15, 2018
    Burada 5+ kez bulunmuş
    We love the shows. We do miss Shamu though. Our favorite show is at the Dolphin Theater. Sit towards the back for the best view and so the birds fly over your head. AMAZING!
  • Liza R.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Liza RodriquezMart 21, 2018
    Very caring of their animals and are planning to build a better orca habitat.Their employees are very caring of the animals and informative. They save animals and nurse then back to health.
  • LFkullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    LFKasım 18, 2015
    After been there 20 years ago, it was just great to go back. Now it's an all new theme park with the coasters and the Penguins attraction.
  • Maria Ines R.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Maria Ines RuizMart 29, 2015
    Un parque temático que no puede faltar en una visita a Orlando. Mucha fauna marina, cheveres juegos y espectáculos! Kraken y Manta muy buenas montañas rusas!
  • Yuri B.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Yuri BelloOcak 12, 2013
    Nice crew for a nice place. This one is for all kinds of people. If you get bored easily watching the sea animals you can greatly improve your day by riding Manta. Get blacked out at the loop!
  • Michelle L.
    Michelle LAğustos 12, 2014
    Make sure you ride Manta if you love roller coasters! Eat dinner with Shamu and feed the dolphins too!
  • Mariana F.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Mariana FilizolaAralık 3, 2017
    O parque apesar de pequeno tem seu charme. Além do que a nova montanha russa Mako é uma das melhores de orlando. Arrasou!
  • Jonathan B.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Jonathan BishopMart 13, 2018
    Part of every purchase goes toward their conservation efforts; every visit = more animals/habitats saved & more research done. You can even watch some of the rescued animals being rehab'ed in the park
  • MalyH
    MalyHMart 30, 2013
    We bought the vip tour and it was suuuuper nice. You get the best seats for the best shows, insider tips, and get to feed dolphins, stingrays and sea lions; aaaaaand you get quick queue unlimited :)
  • ece ö.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    ece öztürkAğustos 14, 2013
    Ride Manta&Kraken🎢👌. MUST go to Shamu Show🐳. Quick Queue👍. Ride Atlantis when hot☀, gets you sprayed and cools you☔. Hope all of you guys have fun!🌊🌎😋
  • Lynda J.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Lynda Judevine LeslieMayıs 22, 2016
    Wear comfortable shoes and plenty of sunscreen! I know the deal with the animal concerns and while I agree I still think it's a good place to teach kids about animals 🐬 it is what you make it
  • Wil H.
    Wil HerreraHaziran 17, 2013
    Manta is awesome!!!! If you like airtime, leave some space in between you and the restraint. It gets a little scary on the way up, but you'll remember this tip after the drop and into the loop! \m/
  • Jim G.
    Jim GKasım 29, 2012
    Burada 100+ kez bulunmuş
    The best time to see Turtle Trek is either early in the morning, during a Blue Horizons show, or at the end if the night! If you see a 5 min wait time go then. The 3-D movie alone is 7 mins long.
  • Jessica F.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Jessica FolsomMart 27, 2014
    Try not to take a bag- must lock them up for most rides. Kids under 10 will love Shamu's Happy Harbor play area. Go to the Dolphin Nursery for a more personalized dolphin experience. Overall fantastic
  • Carla G.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Carla GarcíaOcak 6, 2017
    In sea world is like a place who can swim four ever and the ride are amazing. I which to make a movie in the park
  • Herb S.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Herb SiefkenOcak 5, 2014
    Wonderfully time with lots to see and do with out paying a lot extra. Much more fun the wondering around Disney and not being able to get on the rides. Best time of the week spent at SeaWorld
  • Michelle Lopez C.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Such a beautiful place to be during the holidays... be sure to see the Christmas shows! #sealions #dolphins #shamu #miracle #iceskating
  • Haze V.
    Haze VCKMayıs 17, 2014
    Burada 5+ kez bulunmuş
    If you don't stop by Stingray Lagoon and give those cutie patooties some love.... YOU ARE SERIOUSLY missing out. They're absolutely darling! Team sea-pancake! Majestic flap flaps, ahoy! *confetti*
  • alex t.
    alex torresEylül 27, 2013
    these park is the best ocean animal park in the usa. if u love sea animals you,ll love these place.i haven't been there in a long time. theres a lot of new stuff today.
  • Tim B.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Tim BushnellTemmuz 9, 2016
    Easy pace, exciting aquarium anumals, can make a nice change of pace from other amusement parks. No outside food or drink allowed though
  • Kristin L.
    Kristin LakesTemmuz 18, 2014
    Wonderful trip for the kids! You have to ride the Manta and of course see the Shamu Show. Eat at the smokehouse for some BBQ Ribs! Wonderful!
  • Tara
    TaraTemmuz 2, 2013
    Preferred parking well worth the extra $5. All Day Dining Is the way to go for food and drinks. Eat and drink as much as you want at participating restaurants, all day-hence the name!
  • Evelyn P.
    Evelyn PerryEylül 30, 2016
    I didn't care much for the dolphin show, very hockie. The seal and otter show was awesome. Loved the penguins and stingrays also
  • Ken & Betty F.
    Stay at a a resort-related hotel and be sure to get the Quick Queue from your hotel's Front Desk - it saved us from having to wait an enormous amount of time on several attractions!
  • Steffi O.
    Steffi OAğustos 22, 2011
    This is an amazing place to go! With Tilly back in the Shamu show, no seats in the splash zone are safe. The Wild Arctic is awesome to just sit and watch the belugas and great to avoid the heat.
  • Gabriel Nappi C.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Gabriel Nappi CarvalhaesAralık 12, 2015
    Manta is the best! See the penguins, are very nice. Don't forget shamu and pets ahoy. Dinner is expensive, but sharks underwater is very good
  • Nathan J.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Nathan JamesEylül 8, 2016
    My first trip here. I loved it. I really like the good work they do. If only people would see that before slagging them off.
  • Richard R.kullanıcı görüntüsü üzerindeki kalp simgesi
    Richard RevillaOcak 6, 2020
    Still one of the greatest parks in America. Ticket can set you back about $105 as of 2019. Standard parking is $30.
  • The Infamous S.
    rent a locker for $10, you can move it’s location around the park after each use, otherwise it’s $2 a time, there is nowhere to leave your stuff on the ride stations!
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