Ryan Cortez

Ryan Cortez


Dallas, TX
  • 3 Tavsiye
  • 71 Takipçiler
  • 105 Takip Edilen
  • 7 Liste
Ryan'ın şu şehirdeki listeleri: Tüm Şehirler
  • Denton
  • West
  • Brooklyn
  • Austin
  • San Jose
  • Tüm Şehirler
Ryan Kullanıcısının En Çok Beğendiği Şehirler
1 Tavsiye
1 Tavsiye
1 Liste Oluşturuldu
3 Oluşturulan Listeler · 1 Tavsiye
San Jose
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Ryan'in Son Listeleri
Ryan Cortez
2 mekan güncellendi Temmuz 1, 2018
2 mekan Limon Salon, Atelier Salon & Barber Shop dahil
Ryan Cortez
1 mekan güncellendi Ekim 27, 2014
1 mekan Cafe Ghia dahil
Ryan Cortez
8 mekan güncellendi Aralık 6, 2012
8 mekan Uncorked Tasting Room & Wine Bar, The Ginger Man, Flying Saucer Draught Emporium, House Wine dahil
Ryan Cortez
2 mekan güncellendi Ocak 27, 2013
2 mekan Fry's Electronics, Toy Joy dahil
Ryan Cortez
6 mekan güncellendi Nisan 20, 2013
6 mekan Buenos Aires Cafe, Este, Eastside Cafe, East Side King (at the Grackle), Franklin Barbecue dahil
Ryan Cortez
15 mekan güncellendi
15 mekan Birds Barbershop, K1 Speed Austin, Shalala, Licha's Cantina dahil
    "Use the Apple Store App on your iPhone. Check out free workshop schedules, make a Genius Bar appointment for tech support, or even check yourself out for accessories! All within the App."
    Ryan CortezRyan Cortez · Kasım 24, 2012
    · Austin, ABD
    "The pulled pork kolache is the most delicious substance I've ever tasted. There's also a clearance rack in one of the bakeries. The bakery gods blessed me with 6 fist sized pastries for $2!!!"
    Ryan CortezRyan Cortez · Kasım 22, 2012
    · West, ABD
    "Rent here is pretty cheap around $360 for a 2 Bedroom in the Fall with no electricity or water included. It's maintained fairly well and has a cheap laundromat."
    Ryan CortezRyan Cortez · Mayıs 18, 2010
    Ev (kişisel)
    · Denton, ABD