6 mekan güncellendi Mayıs 2, 2018
6 mekan Brotherton Library, White Cloth Gallery, Temple Works, Leeds Central Library dahil
5 mekan güncellendi Nisan 29, 2018
5 mekan Hotel du Vin, Via Vecchia, The Attic, Bettys Café Tea Rooms dahil
3 mekan güncellendi Şubat 17, 2018
3 mekan i gigi, Isaac At, Igigi dahil
8 mekan güncellendi Ekim 28, 2017
8 mekan Cervejaria Ramiro, Páteo 13, Santo António da Alfama, Cruzes Credo Café dahil
10 mekan güncellendi Eylül 25, 2017
10 mekan Chick 'n' Sours, Mother Clucker, Tonkotsu, Dirty Burger/Chicken Shop dahil
4 mekan güncellendi Şubat 4, 2018
4 mekan Igigi, The Esquire Tavern, Cured, The Granary 'Cue & Brew dahil