Alışveriş yapmayı buraya bırakmayın, tam hayal kırıklığı. Ufak bir kitapçı, küçük bir parfümerici ve pizza hut ile bi kaç yer. Gördüğüm en küçük free shop alanlarından biri.
Turk hava yolları kapı numarası. Havalanın için inanılmaz soğuk klimalar insanı ısırıyor.Çekerinizi yanınıza alın grip alabilirsiniz.Kutup ayısı bile çıkabilir öyle soğuk içerisi
Her konuda berbat bir havalimanı yemek,freeshop,bekleme koltukları yetersiz J18(Thy) önünde yok muhtemelen evinizin marketinde daha çok çeşit vardır...
THY'na en uzak terminali verdikleri icin duty free'den birseyler bakarim diye dusunmeyin cunku o terminalde cok fazla seceneginiz yok. Baya bi yurume mesafesi var ama Allah'tan yuruyen yok yapmislar.
Si no viajas seguido, es bueno venir con tiempo y todo listo (a la mano); hay mucha gente siempre y el check-in y pasar seguridad a veces es un infierno, sobre todo cuando tocan empleados malhumorados
25min drive away from Miami Beach (when there is no traffic). It has many concourses, kind of big. Car rental area is 3min tram ride away. Could be long lines in checkin and security, give extra time.
Welcome to Miami, Florida! Our world class gateway has something for everyone. Enjoy our white sand beaches, diverse neighbirhoods , and exciting lifestyle. Come back soon...
Unique way to get free wifi is going to gate D30 (aa admirals club) and connecting to "attwifi", you can sit just in front of admirals door and still get a good signal.
Enorme, acessível, seguro e barato! Diferentemente dos brasileiros, aqui é possível encontrar comida barata. E muitas outras coisinhas também. Não se sabe se está na loja ou no corredor...
Excelentes lojas (mais cartas do que ser fora... mas não tão abusivo quanto no Brasil...). Se seu cartão de crédito permitir, o melhor custo- benefício é frequentar uma "sala VIP"...
Quem vai passar muitas Hrs no aeroporto é bom estar munido de... Celular e um carregador portátil! Ninguém respeita a estação de tomadas. O melhor é sair e aproveitar a cidade por algumas hrs!!
It's absolutely ludicrous that in 2015 one of the busiest airports in the world has horrendously slow WiFi that you have to pay to use. Get with the times MIA; Get Google Fiber & make it free for all.
I love that you can take a train in to the airport now. Picking up friends and family when they come in to town is quick and easy, thanks to the sunpass parking feature too.
MIA has gotten act together. Great restaurants, shops and selection of clubs and lounges. Flagship AA is fantastic. Centurion is as well for PlatAmex. Great views and easy skylink movement btw gates.
Welcome to Miami! Bienvenido a Miami! Miami is also known as "the 305" and 3:05 p.m. is also our official Cuban coffee break time! Indulge in some local culture and @305cafecito!
Welcome to Miami! Get ready for a spectacular vacation as the city is full with energy. From endless beaches, a stunning atmosphere and plenty more, you sure won’t forget your experience in Miami.
A lot of walking to get from the international arrival gates to passport control, if you dont have Global Entry, don't forget to download mobile passport and skip the huge lines.
Улетали 01.11 из Майами. Очень понравилось, что все сотрудники были наряжены в соответствии Хеллоуина, улыбались и фоткались)) Это поднимало настроение. Дьюти Фри никакой(( Печаль((
Bienvenido a Miami! The food is delicious at MIA. Go local with SushiMaki, La Carreta or Versailles. If you need a pick-me-up, grab an iced café con leche & pastelito before departure.
Pretty fuss free for a US airport. Easy to navigate and conveniently connected to car rental centre via a mover system. There are a few terminals, so make sure you know which one your airline is at.