Laura Jones

Laura Jones


  • 3 Tavsiye
  • 4 Takipçiler
  • 72 Takip Edilen
  • 2 Liste

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Laura Kullanıcısının En Çok Beğendiği Şehirler
Los Angeles
2 Tavsiyeler
West Hollywood
1 Tavsiye
Laura Jones
0 mekan güncellendi
0 mekan
Laura Jones
5 mekan güncellendi
5 mekan Beaming, E.P & L.P., Alfred Coffee In The Alley, Maré dahil
Laura’nın listeleriLaura'ın Oluşturduğu ListelerLaura Kullanıcısının Takip Ettiği Listeler
"Everything is amazing here, made from the best organic ingredients. Always go for the fresh made smoothies vs. the pre-made ones. Try the Mint Chip, Euphoria and splurge on the Beam Me Up and cookies!"
Laura JonesLaura Jones · Ağustos 15, 2015
Meyve Suyu Barı
· Los Angeles, ABD
"If on the roof, get the nachos--rice crisps served with a super delicious coconut cream and chicken dip. It has lots of chili and lots of lime. My only complaint is that it's not double the size!"
Laura JonesLaura Jones · Ağustos 15, 2015
· West Hollywood, ABD
"This is my absolute favorite restaurant in L.A. Everything served explodes with flavor, and all flavor are meant to be there. Nothing is superfluous. Try the spicy fusilli and baby broccoli!"
Laura JonesLaura Jones · Ağustos 15, 2015
· Los Angeles, ABD