Çok kalabalık bir plajyengeçler ve kaplunbağları ile meşhur ama tesis eksikliği var. Hazırlıklı gidilmesi gereken bir plaj araçlarınızı düzgün park etmelisiniz
Its really nice place , everyone must come and see this gem . You can have a mad bath than get to very long white Sandy beach by boat and iF you like history you can visit kaunos antic city. ..
Wide picturesque beach with a miraculous environment and underwater life 😍 Huge blue crabs are here to amaze you! 🦀 Of course until the crowd of vacationers irrupts the coast by noon, so they hide..
Место, где можно одновременно искупаться в двух морях, где краб запросто ловится леску и кусочек мяса, вокруг плавают морские черепахи,в скалах вдоль реки, высечены гробницы 4 века до нашей эры!
It's one of the peak places for special holiday in Turkey. Even though it gets very crowded it is peaceful and full of sand. You can reach there either bus or private cars.
Ein hellblonder Sandstreifen zwischen dem Meer und einem Fluss, zusätzlich ein Nistgebiet für Meeresschildkröten ist der schöneStrand in der Südwesttürkei.