1947 carousel by the Allan Hershell Company includes 57 horses, 1 dragon, 2 chariots & 1 spinning tub. Original carousel placed here 1967. Replaced w/current one in 1975. More site history here<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Original elevator took 20 minutes to top (versus 70-75 seconds today). Women were not allowed to top. Men were entertained via cheese/wine on ride up. Full site history here<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Unveiled 8/22/2011. Memorial entered through Mountain of Despair with center cut out. Around centerpiece is 450' crescent-shaped Inscription Wall with text from 14 speeches.More site history via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Prior to erection of West Bldg in 1941, this was site of Sixth Street station of B&P Railroad. On 7/2/1881, 20th US President James Garfield was shot by Charles Guiteau here. Full history here<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Greek temple w/30' tall statue to 16th President. Above columns on exterior look for chipped “Wisconsin”. Was result of lone shot (accidentally) fired in DC during WWII. Full site history here<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Nicknamed "Jefferson's Muffin." Domed shape bldg is based upon a structure of Jefferson’s own design. Transcript error was noted on Declaration of Independence quote in 1972. More site info via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Designed by Maya Lin while a student at Yale (for which she received a 'B'). More than 150K objects have been left here over yrs including Harley Davidson and tiger cage. Full site history here<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
1984 addition. Sculptor Frederick E. Hart was former apprentice to master carver of Washington National Cathedral. Hart took 3rd place in competition for original memorial. More site info via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
1993 addition to Vietnam Memorial. Honors efforts of more than 265,000 women who served during war. Sculpted by Glenna Goodacre who is mother to supermodel Jill Goodacre. Full site history here<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
19 stainless steel statues. Each measures 7’3”-7’6” tall & weighs 1000 lbs each. 164' long black granite wall has sandblasted onto it over 2,400 actual photos from war. More site info via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Approx 3,750 Yoshino Cherry Trees reside here. 1st trees planted 3/27/1912. Peak blooming occurs when 70% blossoms open. Historically varies March 15 (1990)-April 18 (1958). More site info via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
95% of museum is located underground! Was originally located in home of former slave/abolitionist Frederick Douglass from 1817-1877. Contains masks, instruments and ceramics. More site info via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Honors those who served in WWII. Along west side is Freedom Wall which consists of 4,048 gold stars. Each star represents 100 Americans who gave their lives for the war. Full site history here<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
After nearly 50 yrs in planning/construction & $48 million incurred, the 7.5 acre Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial was dedicated on May 2, 1997 by President Bill Clinton. Full site history via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Room One is titled “The Early Years” and focuses on Roosevelt’s first term from 1932-1936. Along south wall is 30' bas relief by Robert Graham titled The First Inaugural. Full site history via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Room Two is reflection of FDR’s 2nd term (1936-1940) titled “Social Policy.” Features 3 sculptures by George Segal (known for Gay Liberation work in NYC Christopher Park). Full site history via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Room Three is “The War Years” (1940-44). Loud waterfalls symbolize turmoil of US entrance to WWII. FDR sculpture controversial for lap blanket considered to hide handicap. Full site history via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Room Four “Seeds of Peace” (1944-1945). Statue pays tribute to the former first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt. This work was the first public artwork to honor a First Lady. Full site history via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Most popular Smithsonian museum with 7.4MM visitors/yr. Inside is 45.5 carat Hope Diamond & 65MM yr old Triceratops named “Hatcher” (for paleontologist who discovered him). Full site history via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
50k+ objects in museum. Noted exhibits include 1903 Wright Brothers plane flown at Kitty Hawk, Apollo 11 space capsule & a wooden model of the Enterprise from Star Trek. Full history via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Originally to be constructed of white marble like similar DC bldgs but too costly. Founder James Smithson's tomb moved here upon being retrieved by Alexander Graham Bell in 1904.Full history via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.
Contains 25k works of art that span almost 6k years. Most popular work is The Peacock Room which upon its unveiling led the original room's designer to become mentally unstable. Full history via<LINK> Daha fazlasını oku.