for incheon airport everything was good but immgation so bad a lot of people waiting around 2 hr for check, world best airport will good operation than u, will u see HKIA as case na
Ахаха. На паспортном контроле в "лучшем" аэропорту мира попросили снять обувь и идти босиком. Бахил не было. Попросили сланцы, но нам их дать отказались. Со скандалом вытребовали сланцы!
The airport is dead after 9.30 pm. Very bad time for departures as restaurants and shops close down for the day and very good time to arrive for a quick immigration clearance.
Early morning flight and need a place to brunch? Go to Paris CroissantCafe at the Arrival Hall (not at the departure). Less crowd, more seating space, pleasant staffs.