Get the airport app, it allows you to track your flight and receive pushed notifications when your gate has been allocated together with approx time to get there, then again when flight ready to board
Goodie, the organic foodbar, has plugs and good unlimited WiFi. It's perfect for a coffee before you stroll 20 yards to Burger King for tofu free lunch.
If you are a transit passenger, you don’t have any chance to access to the main building. They are transferring you to a tiny area located in the aircraft parking zone. No smoking zone and no escape.
The most strange airport! If you need smth you should go through all gates to find what you want... You need time to find smth here! So be patient! Wish you luck!
if you need a last-minute-present sprungli is a classic. their luxemburgerleri are world famous and as light as air. and chocolate is not bad neither 😜
Quick, efficient, direct. Surely you can get long queues at peek hour. Exceptional: public transport connectivity to Geneva and the rest of Switzerland.
Go to Altitude above the shop and restaurant area in the departures section. Wonderful food with a view of the runway. Also does just drinks and coffee.
Love this airport. Very clean and organized. Helpul people. Free wifi. It's a bit too expensive, but so is mostly everything else in Geneva, so you what to expect.
Loved Payot book store next to Pret-a-Manger. A wide collection of travel guides in different languages, including rare regions (for European people) e.g. African countries
After checking in, don't muck about. Crack straight on getting airside as security and passport control queues can take an hour or more to get through during busy periods. Some food options airside.
Бесплатный wifi также как в Штутгарте привязан к номеру телефона. Зарегистрировав свой номер, вы получаете первый час, номер друга - второй час, еще одного -третий и так сколько нужно :)
Ask for Starbucks if you need wifi (arrivals hall). I faced problem to get a code for 30-minutes complimentary Internet access provided by GVA without working network.
One of my favorite airports. It's fast. In and out in 10 minutes. A bit more if you come from France because your luggage first gets presented on the French side of the airport before being sent to th
Летящим транзитом во Францию нужно будет для пересадки выйти через зеленый коридор и налево, а затем наверх, во Французскую зону. Очередей нет, но и магазинов с кафе 1-2 шт + дичайше дорого
Tellers should know what can pass through customs and what may not. They made me place four music boxes in my bag. They are delicate and also there was no lock! I hope they make it to my country!
It is possible to overnight but be sure to get into the airport before midnight because after and till 0400 the door will be closed. Electricity plugs are available in front of check-in desk
Aéroport de moyenne taille, toujours avec beaucoup, beaucoup de gens... La qualité de l’aéroport est très bonne, mais il faut commencé à pensé à faire par exemple un Genève b à Lausanne par exemple..
Print out your hotelreservation confirmation and this will allow you to use tpg services into the city. Your hotel then gives you a city ticket for the duration of your stay.
Если у Вас ночная пересадка тут, то советую брать отель или готовьтесь к тому, что вход в транзитную зону закрывают в 22:00, здание аэропорта закрывается в 00:00. Спать там негде. Сиденья жесткие.
Whoever invented the conveyer belt system at security needs a new job (but it's funny watching people trying to move all their trays round the corner!)
Found only 1 socket available. Between recycling station and an electric riser. On the left once you're past security checks. Just after the access to Prayer room. Just FYI ;-)