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Mike’nın listeleriMike'ın Oluşturduğu ListelerMike Kullanıcısının Takip Ettiği Listeler
"Buy Red Dead Redemption"
· Middletown, ABD
5.2"Ride when its absolutely pouring at 930 when no one else is in the park"
Eğlence Yeri
· Mason, ABD
"Scream "I love lamp" as the train climaxes."
Eğlence Yeri
· Mason, ABD
7.5"Find the mural of snoopy sucking several sausages down. Win a lol."
Eğlence Parkı
· Mason, ABD
7.1"Watch people... but not creepishly of course. Society shows it's weaknesses among the sad day-trippers."