Josh S. • Şubat 10, 2017This is a great STEM learning experience for kids. My family really enjoyed playing Mind Ball and the Frankenstein exhibit.
Stephen K. • Ağustos 24, 2014Best place to see a movie. Beautiful venue and they are pretty consistent with showing too-notch limited releases
Amanda N. • Şubat 3, 2019What Minnesota does best: small local venue for performers who need a spot to bring their visions to the stage and public. A Drinking game Minnesota is a monthly show not to miss!
Jan S. • Aralık 3, 2016Always interesting and thought provoking plays. Arrive early enough to enjoy the quirky lobby.
Bryan L. • Haziran 16, 2024Student staffed, this unique and small museum has a neat collection, with a minor focus on Minnesota broadcast history. Gift shop too!
Emily L. • Temmuz 27, 2012Very original and cool art, all price ranges, from funky magnets, funny little paintings, to large pieces with breath taking detail, it's an excellent place to find something cool and unique.
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