jbrotherlove • Şubat 4, 2017Great, large gallery space for emerging artists south of I-20.
97.1 The River • Temmuz 12, 2013Band members from Phish love to play here because of the phenomenal acoustics.
Tiff S. • Mart 20, 2014How both the toilets in the ladies restroom broke at the same time? They should have completely renovated before they re-opened!
Creative Loafing Atlanta • Ocak 20, 2012A cavernous artist-centric space known for sprawling group exhibitions.
John B. • Ağustos 19, 2013Had a great time at the first Round Robin this Sunday. A great way for MC's to support one another. Let's do it again next Sunday!
Toni M. • Şubat 15, 2016Drink specials are cool and good music. A little dated though needs some remodeling
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