FIVE BEST: Restaurants for game
St. John Bar and Restaurant is one of FIVE BEST: Restaurants for game.

1. St. John Bar and Restaurant

26 St. John St, Londra, Greater London
İngiliz Restoranı · Islington · 152 tavsiye ve inceleme

Evening StandardEvening Standard: If you like your game cooked by the absolute experts, this is the place to go. Don’t be surprised when the woodcock — if on the menu — arrives on its own on a plate. It tastes sublime. Daha fazlasını oku.

2. Great Taste at the Cadogan

21 Pont St. Knightsbridge, Londra, Greater London
Restoran · Kensington and Chelsea · 1 tavsiye

Evening StandardEvening Standard: Squab pigeon pie cooked with Old Henry beer features on this new menu until the end of September. Generous portion, with thick and golden pastry. Daha fazlasını oku.

3. The Wild Game Co.

Whitecross Street Market, Islington, Greater London
Seyyar Yiyecek · 7 tavsiye ve inceleme

Evening StandardEvening Standard: The steak sandwich from this stall is the topside of venison served in a bap with onions, Dijon mustard and home-made redcurrant jelly. Tender meat, friendly service. Daha fazlasını oku.

4. Corrigan's Mayfair

28 Upper Grosvenor St (Mayfair), Londra, Greater London
Restoran · Mayfair · 17 tavsiye ve inceleme

Evening StandardEvening Standard: Try the rabbit which is roasted and served with dandelion, pear and hazelnut. Daha fazlasını oku.

5. The Cinnamon Club

30-32 Great Smith St (Old Westminster Library), Londra, Greater London
Hint Restoranı · Westminster · 85 tavsiye ve inceleme

Evening StandardEvening Standard: Roast Cumbrian wild red deer saddle with corn and millet kedgeree is an interesting, though expensive, way to fill you up. Daha fazlasını oku.