7 mekan güncellendi Eylül 15, 2019
7 mekan Great Barrier Reef, Cairns Esplanade Lagoon, Bayleaf Balinese Restaurant, Ozmosis dahil
49 mekan güncellendi Kasım 1, 2021
49 mekan School of 7 Bells, Shoku Iku, The Rooks Return, State Library of Victoria dahil
53 mekan güncellendi Aralık 29, 2018
53 mekan 383. Cathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville (1987), Bar el Comercio, Mirador de San Cristóbal, Plaza del Altozano dahil
31 mekan güncellendi Ocak 6, 2019
31 mekan Sissy-Boy Homeland, Pllek, Foodhallen, Rijksmuseum dahil
26 mekan güncellendi Ocak 3, 2019
26 mekan Vyšehrad, Café Lounge, Místo, Prašná brána dahil
34 mekan güncellendi Ocak 4, 2019
34 mekan Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche, Haferkater, Tempelhofer Feld, Tränenpalast dahil