28 mekan güncellendi
28 mekan Şikago O'Hare Uluslararası Havalimanı, Wendy's, US Post Office, Costco dahil
4 mekan güncellendi
4 mekan Films On Tap!, Good Luck Macbeth Theater, Silicon Valley Pad, Pinoccio HQ dahil
Eric’nın listeleriEric'ın Oluşturduğu ListelerEric Kullanıcısının Takip Ettiği Listeler
"The Flatliner will absolutely wake you up from the dead. No doubt about it."
Kahve Dükkanı
· Reno, ABD
6.9"Surprisingly good red enchiladas, but the mole sauce was only so-so. Close to the Hall of Science tho!"
"Not cash-only anymore! Woo!"
· San Francisco, ABD
8.0"This is where serious Arduino hacking happens!"
"Great pizza. Overheard the sausage on the pizza is handmade. If so I believe it, it's that good."