W 116th St (btwn Broadway & Amsterdam Ave), New York, NY
Dış Mekan Heykeli · West Harlem · 10 tavsiye ve inceleme
HISTORY: According to an old school legend, the first Columbia College boy of every class to find the owl hidden in Alma Mater’s robes will graduate valedictorian and marry a Barnard girl.
HISTORY: This is where the game's immortals are enshrined. The heart of the museum is the Hall of Fame gallery. The gallery has a plaque for each of the players who have been elected to the hall.
Tarihi ve Koruma Altındaki Alan · Financial District · 33 tavsiye ve inceleme
HISTORY: Built as a U.S. military fort in 1811 in anticipation of the War of 1812 against the British, Castle Clinton went on to serve a variety of roles.
Bağımsız Film Sineması · Central Hollywood · 51 tavsiye ve inceleme
HISTORY: This Egyptian revival theater was developed by Sid Grauman and Charles E. Toberman in 1922 to accommodate the growing population of Los Angeles.
Manzara İzleme Noktası · Chelsea · 27 tavsiye ve inceleme
City of New York: Did you know? Before the High Line was built in 1934, freight trains traveled along 10th Avenue, creating such dangerous conditions that the busy thoroughfare became known as “Death Avenue.”
City of New York: After Gracie sold his house, the property eventually was appropriated by the City of New York in 1896 and the 11 acres that came with the home would later be formed into Carl Schurz Park.
City of New York: The 1873 Italianate structure is the earliest known concrete building in NYC. Once part of a 5-acre factory complex that manufactured the product from which it was made: Beton Coignet.
Botanik Bahçe · Bronx Park · 196 tavsiye ve inceleme
City of New York: Do you need ideas and plant suggestions for your own garden? The Home Gardening Center has dozens of beautiful display beds full of our horticulturists' favorite plants and helpful advice.
Tarih Müzesi · Prospect Park · 11 tavsiye ve inceleme
City of New York: Did you know? In 1687, Leffert Pietersen, one of the earliest European settlers in Brooklyn, built the original homestead on 58 acres that is now Prospect Lefferts Gardens.