Bring along your family members! Such a great place for having fun with your loved ones. Friendly staff, easy to get cab/taxi. Am more than happy if i've ever get a chance to come here again.
Get one short-sized cup (250ml) of selected Sbux's cold drink (iced coffee/latte/tea) at the Sbux Coffee near the entrance with very friendly price -only IDR 10,000- just by showing your entry ticket.
My 11yo boy and 8yr girl love ice age ride. They took the ride twice! In holidays season, make sure you buy the fast track ticket. It's on the e bike rental station. The price is 200k /person.
The theme park is divided into eight regions which are Jakarta, Indonesia, Asia, Africa, America, Europe, and Legendary Fantasy region featuring Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt architecture.
Temukan varian menu spesial Tumini di Dapur Bu Sastro, yang menghadirkan kelezatan nasi kuningautentik dengan pilihan lauk lengkap. Setiap menu disiapkan dengan penuh cinta dan dedikasi. Daha fazlasını oku
Check their web sometimes it offers promo ticket. Come early, opening hour start from 10am. Located in Ancol Area which is the entrance ticket Rp25k/car or per person if via Transjakarta Halte
مدينة العاب كبيرة افضل اقتطاع تذكرة الدخول السريع تجنباً للزحام و سعرها تقريبا ١٠٠﷼ للشخص. يمكنك قطع تذكرة لل VIP وهي صالة خاصة قيمة التذكرة للشخص في حدود ٣٠٠﷼
Always bear in your mind to spend at least 2 days in sequence to enjoy all the activities. During weekend or Indonesian public holiday, the queue is horrible. But don't worry, if you have spare money.
Always bear in your mind to spend at least 2 days in sequence to enjoy all the activities. During weekend or Indonesian public holiday, the queue is horrible. Don't worry, if you have spare money.
Dufan pertama kali dibuka untuk umum pada 29 08 1985 dan merupakan theme park pertama yang dikembangkan oleh Perseroan dan telah memiliki sertifikat ISO 9001:2008 sejak 2009.
Lodging at putri duyung cottage gets 30% disc. for dufan ,from dufan gets free paket at colombus,free entre to atlantis then free ticket to see the show at eco park ,great (y)
Tickets are more expensive on weekends. You must try the thrill rides such as the tornado,hysteria,flume rides,power surge,and the coaster. Lines are much better on weekdays and CROWDED in holidays.
Masuk dufan sampai tanggal 15 juli 2012... Dpt kartu masuk dufan tiap hari kec sabtu minggu dan libur sampai desember 2012, gratis atlantis 1x, samudra 1x dan voucher makan di colombus 1x °\(‾▿‾)/°
Sebuah tempat wisata yang tak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Jakarta, bersebelahan dengan pantaiTaman Impian Jaya Ancol, posisi di Jakarta Utara. Daha fazlasını oku
Dunia Fantasi atau disebut juga Dufan ("Do Fun") yang diresmikan pada 29 Agustus 1985 adalah tempat hiburan yang terletak di kompleks Taman Impian Jaya Ancol (Ancol taman impian), Jakarta Utara.
Lumayan ada banyak wahana baru (hellokitty dan ice age).. Tp ketika bulan puasa, jam 5 sore sudah tutup.. Mengecewakan.. Bahkan outlet makanan jg sudah tutup di jam itu..
DUFAN is good place to visit. . Vespa klasik, Perhiasan mutiara laut Maluku, .Penulis Buku Awas, Psikopat Forum Dunia Cyber!!
Having fun here is good choice and don't forget to watch Brazilian Electrical Fire until tomorrow. Oh ya the ticket in weekend Rp. 150.000; enjoy the day ya :D
Tiket sekarang semua berlaku terusan @150 RB so jangan mepet waktu berkunjung klo g mau rugi ,Hari biasa cuma smp jam 6 sore and weekend smp jam 8 malam, Cobain sma ya :)
Kalau mau ke DUFAN jangan takut antri, apalagi kalau rame-rame. Walaupun antriannya lama tapi permainannya juga lumayan seru. (Invite my pin:25F06CB0 )
mainnya ga sampe 1 menit ngantrinya hampir sejam -_- mending bawa makan+minum dari rumah di dalam dufanmahal.. anyway hysteriaseru! kicir2 bikin pusing *_____* arung jeram bikin nagih walaupun basah
Dunia Fantasi is Jakarta's own theme park with over forty main rides and attractions. The theme park is divided into eight regions, Indonesia, Jakarta, Asia, Eropa (Europe), Amerika (America), Yunani (Greece), Hikayat (Fantasy) and Balada Kera (Monkey Parody).
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