6 Celebrity Ghosts’ Haunting Grounds
Knickerbocker Hotel is one of 6 Celebrity Ghosts’ Haunting Grounds.

1. Knickerbocker Hotel

1714 Ivar Ave (Hollywood Blvd), Kaliforniya
Otel · 3 tavsiye ve inceleme

SuperbSuperb: Marilyn still seems to get around - her apparition has been spotted in the ladies room downstairs, while Rudolph Valentino has been seen grabbing a drink at the bar.

Pantages Theatre is one of 6 Celebrity Ghosts’ Haunting Grounds.

2. Pantages Theatre

6233 Hollywood Blvd (btwn Vine & Argyle Ave), Los Angeles, CA
Tiyatro · 129 tavsiye ve inceleme

SuperbSuperb: When Howard Hughes bought the Theater in 1949, he was in it for the long haul. The aviator has been seen countless times by employees, walking through walls to where his old office would have been.

Château Marmont is one of 6 Celebrity Ghosts’ Haunting Grounds.

3. Château Marmont

8221 W Sunset Blvd (at Marmont Ln), West Hollywood, CA
Otel · 127 tavsiye ve inceleme

SuperbSuperb: It was in one of the Chateau’s bungalows that John Belushi overdosed in 1982 and he allegedly hasn’t left.There have been a number of sightings of Belushi around the hotel,specifically in the bungalow