Nargileci · Macalester - Groveland · 5 tavsiye ve inceleme
Charles Edge: I just do what they say is best. Works out well. But I don't ever remember what they recommended the next time. Probably best that way...
Charles Edge: The food is OK. Stick with typical bar food (wings, cheese curds, onion rings) and you'll be happy. Drinks with vodka in them are best here.
Burger Dükkanı · Merriam Park East · 176 tavsiye ve inceleme
Charles Edge: Blucy, breakfast blucy, tots, curds, lumberjack blucy, horsekick blucy, good beers, what more can you ask for. Usually busy (as well it should be).
Charles Edge: Check out all the awesome wood carvings and ceramic fireplaces. Also, go on up to the attic and check out the theater that was only used once!
Charles Edge: Everyone should go to the top of the Space Needle at least once in their life! Take a jacket and enjoy the views. Turn off your flash though!