Baggage claim system needs work. All the bags just get thrown onto the belt, slide down, and end up on top of each other, upside down, and hard to reach. Not user-friendly.
Airport opened in February 1995 w/ most expensive automated baggage system, which failed immediately. 1995 computer equipment with used 1973 hardware. Your bags now handled by humans
Watch out for the 40% tax on rental cars and the Tollroad where you MUST have one of their payment boxes in the car or you will get a $400 fine. There are no signs to warn you. Shame on you Denver!!!
Go to Jamba Juice as soon as you get out the plane, because you have been craving it since the you had Jamba & just could not wait any longer cause it is so yummy!
Just watched a weird documentary on this airport-what is with the creepy/genocide/death artwork? I don't understand why they would have it. I believe in free speech but this is beyond that.