Caroline A.

Caroline A.


Graphics, Design, Web Dev, UI & UX Love, Art, Videogames, Lives a parallel life in a world of fantasy, Nerd4Life.

Hoboken, NJ
  • 4 Tavsiye
  • 83 Takipçiler
  • 88 Takip Edilen
  • 3 Liste
Caroline'ın şu şehirdeki listeleri: Tüm Şehirler
  • Hoboken
  • Pasay
  • Tüm Şehirler
Caroline Kullanıcısının En Çok Beğendiği Şehirler
3 Tavsiyeler
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Caroline A.
0 mekan güncellendi
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Caroline A.
6 mekan güncellendi
6 mekan Mikie Squared Bar & Grill, The Stewed Cow, Zinburger Wine & Burger Bar, Command Centre dahil
    "Good tap, a ton of whiskey, great food, and a mechanical bull: what more could you want? Oh, a great waitress named Jessica! All the staff is friendly and makes sure your time here is great!"
    Caroline A.Caroline A. · Temmuz 30, 2014
    Viski Barı
    · Hoboken, ABD
    "No wonder someone in the parking lot had to convince my parents to come in here for dinner... Service is SLOW. Ambiance is OK, if you sit outdoors for the harbor view, but inside it's bland."
    Caroline A.Caroline A. · Temmuz 13, 2014
    Bira Bahçesi
    · Pasay, Filipinler
    "Pepperoni & mutz with extra mutz, olive oil, and a bit of lettuce and oregano."
    Caroline A.Caroline A. · Nisan 30, 2013
    Sandviç Noktası
    · Hoboken, ABD