Classic night club. Mixed old and young crowds. Drinks starting from 26€, even the ones without alcohol. Get there by midnight if you want to get pass security on the door. Good music from 2 am on.
La coda all'ingresso è estenuante,scelgono a caso dalla coda chi far entrare...dentro la musica è carina ma niente di diverso da una classica discoteca...a parte la bella gente e tipe stra tirate!
too cheap for me, I wish it was way more expensive(just kidding lol). just there recently, not like how it used to be. too many WANNA BES but st tropez just wouldnt be st tropez without it~always fun!
God! It was terrible!! Over crowded, smells like someone died there, no air. All the time someone is pushing u. When u pay €15.000 u expect something better.