El AlmaZen is one of Healthy.

1. El AlmaZen

Recavarren 298 (esq. José Gálvez), Miraflores, Lima
Vegan ve Vejetaryen Restoranı · 38 tavsiye ve inceleme
Seitan -urban bistro- vegano is one of Healthy.

2. Seitan -urban bistro- vegano

Jr.Alfonso Ugarte 150, Lima, Lima
Bistro · Miraflores · 13 tavsiye ve inceleme
Madre Natura is one of Healthy.

3. Madre Natura

Jr. Chiclayo 815, Miraflores, Lima
Vegan ve Vejetaryen Restoranı · 29 tavsiye ve inceleme
Mara BioMarket is one of Healthy.

4. Mara BioMarket

Pazar · 3 tavsiye ve inceleme
Qumara is one of Healthy.

5. Qumara

Andrés Reyes 437
Diner · 8 tavsiye ve inceleme
Las Vecinas is one of Healthy.

6. Las Vecinas

Jirón Domeyer 219 (Ave San Martin), Lima, Lima
Kafe · Barranco · 56 tavsiye ve inceleme
La Bodega Verde is one of Healthy.

7. La Bodega Verde

Jirón Sucre 335, Barranco, Lima
Çay Bahçesi · Barranco · 124 tavsiye ve inceleme
El Jardín de Jazmín is one of Healthy.

8. El Jardín de Jazmín

av. La Paz 838, Miraflores, Lima, Lima
Vegan ve Vejetaryen Restoranı · Miraflores · 18 tavsiye ve inceleme
Sanaoria is one of Healthy.

9. Sanaoria

Cantuarias 152, Miraflores, Lima
Salata Restoranı · 15 tavsiye ve inceleme
La Verde Bio-factoría is one of Healthy.

10. La Verde Bio-factoría

Calle Recavarren 315, Miraflores, Lima (Recavarren), Lima, Lima
Vegan ve Vejetaryen Restoranı · Miraflores · 15 tavsiye ve inceleme
ECO Tienda Natural is one of Healthy.

11. ECO Tienda Natural

Av. San Martín 417 (Colon), Lima, Lima
Organik Market · Miraflores · 8 tavsiye ve inceleme
Armónica Café is one of Healthy.

12. Armónica Café

Av. La Mar 955, Miraflores, Lima
Vegan ve Vejetaryen Restoranı · 30 tavsiye ve inceleme
Sanurya is one of Healthy.

13. Sanurya

Ca. Cantuarias 160
Vegan ve Vejetaryen Restoranı · 6 tavsiye ve inceleme