Bribri DeShe'

Bribri DeShe'


This is the story of a girl who traveled around the whole world!

Chattanooga, TN
  • 26 Tavsiye
  • 39 Takipçiler
  • 114 Takip Edilen
  • 4 Liste
Bribri'ın şu şehirdeki listeleri: Tüm Şehirler
  • Chicago
  • Murfreesboro
  • Chattanooga
  • Tüm Şehirler
Bribri Kullanıcısının En Çok Beğendiği Şehirler
1 Liste Oluşturuldu
1 Liste Oluşturuldu · 7 Tavsiyeler
19 Tavsiyeler
Daha Fazlasını Yükle
Daha Fazlasını Yükle
Bribri DeShe'
12 mekan güncellendi Mayıs 3, 2013
12 mekan Demos' Restaurant, Oaklands Mansion, Blue Coast Burrito, Marina's On The Square dahil
Bribri DeShe'
12 mekan güncellendi Ocak 17, 2013
12 mekan Clarence Buckingham Memorial Fountain, Bennigan's, Gino's East, Chicago Riverwalk dahil
Bribri DeShe'
15 mekan güncellendi
15 mekan Taco Mac, Demos' Restaurant, Mellow Mushroom, Blue Coast Burrito dahil
Bribri DeShe'
1 mekan güncellendi
1 mekan the house dahil
    Bribri'nin Son Tavsiyeleri
    "Parking for visitors is against the fence. Don't get a ticket :)"
    Bribri DeShe'Bribri DeShe' · Ekim 6, 2013
    Apartman veya Apartman Dairesi
    · Murfreesboro, ABD
    "If you want to print in the middle of the day either use express printing or the 3rd and 4th floors because the 1st floor lab is always full"
    Bribri DeShe'Bribri DeShe' · Nisan 16, 2013
    · Murfreesboro, ABD
    "Great for your late night donut fix and both are close to campus"
    Bribri DeShe'Bribri DeShe' · Nisan 15, 2013
    · Murfreesboro, ABD
    "Great place to get away from campus while still living on campus. Only thing is the kitchens are super small. And if you want to live with a friend, do the two bedroom option."
    Bribri DeShe'Bribri DeShe' · Mart 13, 2013
    Apartman veya Apartman Dairesi
    · Murfreesboro, ABD
    "If you go during the middle of the day, expect everyone watching you and a constant uncalled for fashion show"
    Bribri DeShe'Bribri DeShe' · Ekim 4, 2012
    Öğrenci Merkezi
    · Murfreesboro, ABD
    "Where the register to customer ratio is always off"
    Bribri DeShe'Bribri DeShe' · Eylül 3, 2012
    · Murfreesboro, ABD